For real! It reminded me if the Casino Royal intro. So fucking cool.
Why do all the MGS3 screen shots look like ass, were you playing the 3DS version?
That moment when you can finally play the game but realize the game isn’t even that good.....
Couldn’t really understand why Geralt would let Triss stay in Novigrad if he truly loved her. Triss wanted to go to Kovir so bad, and she should and so I let her go.
Right, I guess it’s an MGSV specific “debriefing” hence no older game voice actors. Still feels weird seeing people talk about Metal Gears legacy without having the dude that voiced your main character for 15 years not be in there.
He doesn't even appear in the video, it's just fucking baffling. Hayter has been completely shut out.
Where the hell was David Hayter?
I get that, but his statement made it seem like “jobs” are intended never to be fun, or something. It’s a bit of a head scratcher. There are shitty jobs but jobs aren’t meant to be not-fun. If that makes sense.
Just play MGSV, Sqarr. JUST. DO. IT.
We? Who’s “we?” I love my job, sucks to be you I guess.
I’de hold off on Mad Max. It looks pretty janky from what we've seen and from the things I’ve heard about people already playing the game it’s not looking good.
Pfffff, looking back this game just sucked balls. Really did not have a good time playing it, loved *looking* at it though.
Word, I agree completely.
He was called to meet at a restaurant by some Konami rep and was kindly told that his days as Big Boss/Snake were over. David has now gone into exile and is living last of his days in Alaska making werewolf movies.
Grrrrrr.....WHAT, WHAT!
For the MGS fans that like the linear cutscene-narrative boss fight driven craziness that MGS is (was!?) known for, is this game worth playing?