My world weary bitter Qunari mercenary has no scars! NO SCARS! Unacceptable! Also his beard now looks like a giant lump of metal, it's super shiny.
My world weary bitter Qunari mercenary has no scars! NO SCARS! Unacceptable! Also his beard now looks like a giant lump of metal, it's super shiny.
And yet it's in Team Fortress 2, which makes it instantly less than interesting for me. I am so damn sick of Team Fortress 2 stuff, ugh.
Nice "docking sequence" reference at the end there.
I've had entire comment chains between me and other people deleted. No reason given, it's super weird.
What a weird way to unveil the game proper. It's all so casual and "ohhh yeah that there? Yeah, whatever." Like, cool I guess? Would have preferred a well edited gameplay walktrough though! Guess I didn't miss much when I went to bed at 5 AM yesterday halfwaythrough.
I agree wholeheartedly with this. Inquisition is a total borefest. I can *NOT* believe this but I think I enjoyed DA2 a lot more simply because it just had a lot more story and, you know, things actually happening. Inquisition is just exhausting with all its space and collecting quests that amount to nothing.
of course it runs fast, so did Assassin's Creed: Unity. It's called marketing. Why would they show laggy slow gameplay to the masses? Every game, ever, will always show smooth gameplay.
So why have you decided to only share images of the video but not the actual video itself? Seems a bit half-assed. Come on, give us the full thing!
This looks far more iconic to me than the integrated suppressor look.
The whole integrated suppressor only became a thing in Conviction. the first 4 games it was all Five-Seven with a normal suppressor, looks way better imo.
Did that guy just call him "the splinter cell" ? I thought the name Splinter Cell came from Third Echelon being a splinter cell/group within the NSA. That's kinda silly.
Yup, I still have that gargoyle! I actually got the two pack that had Green Goblin in there as well.
I had this figure as a kid, I think it got released as merchandise for the first Raimi Spider-Man film. BEST. DAMN. TOY. EVER.
Please go fart somewhere else. Jesus, I do *not* look forward to the next 5 years of nerd rage over the smallest things.
How the hell was the editing "atrocious"? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about? I'm tired of these keyboard movie critic warriors complaining about the editing from, what? Maybe 20 sec of footage? Douche.
Which he donated most of to charity.
Here's an hour of a dude just walking around Paris.
Or the "I'm turning my back to the player for a bit and look just passed the camera while delivering dialog then turning back the the player." It's almost hilarious how recognizable all these animations have become. I like it though, in a weird way.
Not just the "I'm talking" animation but tons of other animations in Inquisition date as far back as the first Mass Effect. Bioware has been using the same animations in their games for years now. I'm not *too* bothered by it, just surprised. There's a certain charm to seeing an NPC in the standard Bioware wall lean…
If this is the guy that was responsible for that he should be fucking ashamed of himself.