I love how the NPC at 1:45 is like "nope, fuck this."
I love how the NPC at 1:45 is like "nope, fuck this."
The game controls flat out terrible with mouse and keyboard. Because of this I
Apparently the mouse and keyboard controlls on the PC version are horrendous. The game basically forces you to play with a game pad. Cutscenes (in-game) are also locked at 30 FPS. Yuck.
Apparently they pulled an Anders on her in Inquisition and changed her character so much that she might as well be a different character. LAME.
Sten was a warrior of the Beresaad, a branch of the Qunari military that travels far from their own lands to explore, learn and observe other cultures and civilizations (possibly in preparation for invasion). Hornless Qunari are rare, they are often given special roles such as joining the Beresaad (because hornless…
There's a specialization in DA:I called Knight Enchanter which lets you basically create lightsabers and smack enemies melee style.
You're both right and wrong, in the *beginning* there were no broodmothers and the taint *did* spread sort of like a zombie apocalypse. The broodmothers were eventually created through torture and rape (yup) by darkspawn and from then on out, darkspawn came from broodmothers. It's a chicken and egg type of deal.
You skipped the Awakening expansion, the stuff that happens in there especially concerning The Architect seems pretty important. Also, the "horned giants" known as the Qunari are actually the Kossith, that is the name of their actual race. But nearly all of them follow the Qun and once you follow the Qun you are…
I've played the game for a good 5 hours now and haven't run into any bad stuff like the ones in this article. Just some random weird pop-in and animation glitches from time to time, but nothing serious. The game also runs smooths as silk on my rig, a pleasant surprise after all these articles and reports on the game.…
Makes you wonder, are we watching the first proto-terminators in the making? God I hope not.
Penny Dreadful is on Netflix now as well. Amazing show, can't wait for season 2. Hopefully The Master (the count himself perhaps?) will make an appearance.
This is not canon btw.
I meant critically.
My problem with Disney's queen baddie is that I'd rather something closer to the original character, rather than a figure that's trying to look like Angelina Jolie. I read in an interview a while back that the figure had to be approved by Jolie before it went into production. I guess Maleficent is all about her now.
That Alan Carr impression is spot fucking on, holy shit.