
The idea of having a pedophile bbq is delightful! I'll bring the beer and burgers! Anyone who was surprised by this must live under a rock under 30 feet of dirt. That's quite embarrassing. I hope they didn't act like they were in denial.

Um, there was nothing nuanced about that statement. It was repackaged bullshit.

What about calling the pedophile priests to turn themselves in so that they can stop committing this sin that distances them from their god and their everlasting time with him? Why just the victims? Shouldn't he tell the priests that they too aren't right with god and that they need to rectify it?*

Do you believe the balls on this guy? That's amazing. Why not make a call for all the priests sinning my molesting boys to come forward and boldly proclaim their crimes to show how deeply they believe in the forgiveness through Christ no matter how appalling the act? Why isn't he telling those priests to step

I used to really like him until he wrote a rabid "rebuttal" of the idea that he was taking up for his billionaire buddy. He defended the sex trafficking of young girls from eastern Europe and totally dismissed the notion that teenage girls from poorer countries could be tricked and then intimidated by the violent

The rich narcissists are the only type of AVs I know. They are of the belief that their neighborhoods and schools are so wonderful that their kids are special snowflakes with no need for vaccines. New York private school students have some of the worst vaccination rates. There is an entire community in northern

Anti-vaccination idiots don't believe in evolution either because they reject germ theory.

Oh, no they aren't. They are narcissistic rich people who, like Christian Conservatives, want everything on their terms and think they have to have their own way or they are being oppressed. Can't infect other people with diseases we haven't seen in years? You're oppressing them. Can't discriminate against gay people


Well, obviously your decision to uninstall it undermines the research they assembled quickly and decided that they'd be better off without him. Some corporations also care about their reputations; being lead by a homophobe is not a good thing. Being denounced by another corporation doesn't help either. OKCupid is not

Let's not forget the Catholic Church and its minions role in this!

If you're the CEO of a company and your presence is damaging the product, you were likely forced out. Your CEO should not be damaging your brand and if his ongoing presence just continues to damage it, well, you don't care about the business.

I guess my wife and I are awful people. We should give our son up for adoption to a heterosexual couple.

I say this as someone on psychotropic drugs: I should not be allowed to purchase or own a gun. Sometimes people, especially those with PTSD or traumatic brain injuries (as Lopez claimed he had) get in bad moods or have mood swings. The problem with guns is that they allow people to engage in their worse impulses and


You're out of your fucking mind. Steve Harvey is an ignorant clown whose buffoonery belongs in the dust bin with Amos & Andy. Many people find "truth" in the bible and beat their children, discriminate against gay people, and, at one time, justified enslaving black people because of it.

First of all, I think the number of women who, using just their own strength, grabbed an unimpaired man off of the street and raped him is so rare as to be statistically insignificant. I doubt we could find a single incident from the past 10 years. I never said that women never rape men. Women can use drugs, alcohol,

Well, do you think that you're helping by not talking about boys and talking about something entirely different? What has this false equivalency gained you other than a discussion on FGM? Wouldn't you be better served by pointing people to credible research that circumcision is totally medically unnecessary? You have

I've thought him a horrible person ever since he decided to take up the cause of Roman Polanski and basically go on a disinformation campaign on his behalf. It was so disgusting and I don't want to hear his opinion on anything. Co-signing a rapist and making people who want him to serve his sentence out to be mean,

I never once downplayed downplayed the pain a man feels. I was saying that both can be wrong for different reasons, but comparing them is unhelpful. They just are so different for so many different reasons. Regardless, you can be against circumcision without bringing FGM into the argument. I actually think it is