
I agree. Marrying someone you raised as a child means you've sexualized your child. The defense that "she wasn't really his child" is offensive to every adoptive family. So, what? Adopted kids aren't "really" the children of their adoptive parents? Fuck this noise.

Dude, I was trying to make you feel better and you're getting all mad. Excuse the fuck out of me for trying to be nice.

It it's between a typo and not knowing the difference between how entrenched institutionalization of enslavement of a people is different from serial killers, I'll take the typo. I actually do know how to spell your. You, on the other hand, are obviously uneducated, illiterate of history, ignorant of critical race

You won't have to be angry very long over the success of these black actors and actresses. They'll disappear because Hollywood will go back to thinking we don't matter and/or these wonderfully talented people will have to be in that horrible Tyler Perry's movies. So, just wait a few months...we'll disappear and you

Having a serial killer in the family and being one of the building blocks of societal inequality and generations long brutality for profit aren't the same thing. I see you ancestors passed down their reptilian brains to you.

I've already warned him that I would be dismissing any further comments. Thank you for warning us. Hopefully, the thread will not give him anymore attention.

You probably don't frequent many black blogs or have meaningful interactions with black people.

Yeah, we black people who called her racist were part of the Jezebel cabal cat layabout campaign.

His critical acclaim would not go away. Roman Polanski admitted in open court to having raped his victim. Every star in Hollywood trips over himself and herself to work with him. They have muddied the waters to the extent that he admitted to raping a child. He's been found guilty by way of a guilty plea. He is a

Yeah, because every rape allegation, especially one of a beloved rich white man, is a search for the truth. And, no body of doctors, law enforcement officers, and social workers would ever admit not having done an unbiased and thorough investigation.

To Republican, parents' coattails=bootstraps.

He's such an idiot and obviously angry at women because he doesn't realize that any woman would be appalled by how much of a creepy asshole and liar he is.

You didn't know? The MRA Mountaineers have ambled down from Misogyny Mountain to whine about women not making themselves sexually available to any schlub who decides he wants her. Also, they've decided it isn't okay for women only to date guys (I presume we lesbians don't count) to whom they are attracted. I guess

They've already decided we judge a book by its cover which is so funny because we don't have an equivalent of Maxim, Esquire, GQ, Playboy (Playgirl doesn't count), and a host of magazines devoted to put judging a woman by her cover on the cover of their magazine.

What gives you the right to judge what women should and should not take into account when choosing a person to date? Are you saying that if a woman judges a guy the same way a guy who reads Maxim or GQ judges women that she's in the wrong?

The MRA brigade has come in early this morning. They've already started their "all women are superficial" circle jerk. We're in for quite a day here at Jezebel.

Assuming the identity of someone who's heroics is likely to make you more attractive and pretending to be a man much more attractive than you are is much more than make up. Take that shit back to the MRA factory.

No, I don't have to treat their ideas with respect. Take religion, for example. Some of the smartest people believe in one or more gods despite their intelligence. One of the problems I have with religion is that it makes smart people say stupid things. Though Frances Collins has a breathtakingly stupid conversion

Richard Sherman and the media being obsessed with that total non-event on the sidelines has been a boon for PFM and the Broncos. He hasn't had to endure incessant questions about his legacy, whether he'll retire if (when) he wins this one, if there's a lot of pressure because of the legacy, what is strategy against

Where did I say anyone should shut up? I explicitly said everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, but not every opinion is entitled to respect.