
I know, right? No encyclopedic guide to feminism would be complete without the dangers of white feminists ignoring the concerns of women of color and helping a white man oppress them. That's one of the biggest criticisms of the feminist movement and why it pushes women who aren't privileged away from feminism and

Will Jezebel include a part on how white feminists fail in intersectionality? How the dangers of having rich white man to tell our stories while also condemning the rich white men in elected office who try to make decisions about our bodies? Or the trouble of introducing the idea that "things that make a white guy's

Kanye is still shocked that his publicity stunt of getting with that awful woman and her family has blown up in his face. Now he's losing friends (Jay Z dumped him for Justin Timberlake), people won't be around him unless she isn't there (Jay and Bey only went to his birthday party because she wasn't there) because

She won't be getting hormone therapy or a sex reassignment surgery. Leavenworth has already said it will provide psychiatric treatment, but that's it.

The Aerogram blog shows the worst of the tweets. He's trying to bullshit his way out of it when he claims that he was trying to foster discussion. Declarative sentences, arguments, denouncing the decision, insulting the judge as a "hack," and using the conservative line on her whenever a decision doesn't got their way

Oh, he says we should take his work with Obama as a sign that he's not a racist. He sounds like every Republican I know.

He did not apologize and he's a racist. Look at this look at the tweets and you'll see he was not trying to have a nuanced discussion. He was praising Bloomberg's op-ed in the Post and saying it is a great policy. He did not use activist judge in a jokey way. He called her a "hack." And, here's someone rightly calling

He's saying he didn't jack Marvin Gaye's song "Got To Give It Up" (which is laughable to anyone who's hear both songs) and Funkadelic's "Sexy Ways" (also laughable), and that the Gaye family is trying to "lay claim to an entire genre." Basically, he's saying any claim that he infringed on the property of the estate is

Kal, we do know what you believe and it is that you're a racist and hypocrite. He blames his having been mugged for his support for Stop and Frisk, but he's previously bitched about racial profiling at airports. He huffed, "Every brown dude I know has been through it." It's okay for him to inflict collective

I just said Halle Berry! But, I can name quite a few others: Dame Helen Mirren (I get "freak in the sheets" vibes from her!), Jennifer Connelly, Naomi Campbell, Alexandra Hedison (Ellen's ex with great cheekbones), Dame Judi Dench, Thandie Newton, Selma Hayek, Sofia Vergara (who reportedly wants to have a threesome

Then there is her inexplicable relationship with Mel Gibson. She does know that he's a member of a breakaway Catholic sect that rejects Vatican II. He thinks she's disordered and wicked person who will burn in hell. He's a vile racist. He beat his wife to a pulp. And, Jody Foster brings him to her big night when she

Oh, you simpleton. You think the purchasing of $1000 handbags is what tanked the economy? Really? I take back back everything I said about you staying out of the shopping decisions of others. Based on that purse remark, you are doing the very best your unlettered, uneducated, ignorant, and mediocre mind will let you.

I would run away if Jodi Foster hit on me. I would take of my heels and run like my hair was on fire. But, it isn't because of her age or her looks (her body is bangin'), it is because she strikes me as a lunatic. I feel that I can expand this list a bit because I've turned a straight girl or ten in my day, so I can

*sigh* Being a lesbian doesn't mean I am physically repulsed by men, it is because I love women. When a guy hits on me, I am just not interested, not grossed out because he's a guy. I don't think all men are creeps, I'm just not interested in that way. This is totally different. If a woman in her 40s hit on me, I

You're right. I didn't see it, but I did read it now. And it was totally inadequate.

And placing people in open air prisons. And imposing a collective responsibility on an entire people. And taking their property and "relocating" them.


When a man in his 40s hits on me, I think it is really gross and I'm not in my 20s anymore. I get why they're like, "eww." But, if the girl didn't think his "old man at the club" act was gross, more power to them!


The thing is, though, some people might be skinny because they are physically sick, on medication, suffering a mental illness, or can't afford to eat. I was never so humiliated for another person as when I was with a friend of mine and a mutual acquaintance came up to her and said,"You look great! You're so lean,