
You've said something intelligent? I would like to read it. Can you link to it? Otherwise, you are an entitled bigot. Nothing about bigotry is even remotely intelligent because arguments in favor of it defy facts, are intellectually dishonest, reductive, illogical, full of fallacies, most notably ad hominem attacks on

Dammit, kinja! I definitely clicked on her dumb post. I am really sorry for this. Forgive me?

Yay! One of my oldest friends (Zal) has made it into Dirt Bag!

Oh, you've said something intelligent? Please link me to the post. Otherwise, bigotry doesn't lead to intelligent conversation, it just shows you're a bigot.

Oh, well I'm sure this dummy is in a concubine or wouldn't mind if her dad sold her into slavery. Or screwing him to keep the family line going. Or being beaten for not being obedient. Or being considered permanently damaged goods if her husband ever divorced her because Jesus says that any man who marries a divorced

If I saw my dad's package, I think I would still be cowering under my bed ten years later. Yikes!

You and me both. I've met her and she's actually quite funny and not so serious about herself. Of course, I met her through a mutual close friend so maybe she wasn't of a mind to clock me, but I love her shady ass anyway.

Yes, she looks like she's totally engaged in her conversation, rocking her huge diamond, and totally not paying attention to you. There is a saying from a ninja philosopher that you must get so close to your enemy that you are perched on his eyebrows. Naomi's eyes say, "Whatevs," but her deadly phone throwing star

Follow up: Women get pitchforks, mount judge's head on it, warns errant judges they could be next.

The best would be if they were faced with this:

My uncles are extremely bright and educated men who are idiots, immature, and overgrown children. When I was a kid, I loved them because they were kids too. As I grew up and became an adult, I started to hate them because I don't indulge immaturity. I don't want my son to meet them. In fact, I would be so happy if I

One day I hope to read the Jezebel headline: Woman Kills Creepshot Taker, Flings His Head Into the Street

Excuse me, but you don't get to tell us how to come out and to whom. We have to come out everyday we choose not to lie about who we are. If someone asks me if I'm married, I will say, "Yes, my wife and I have been married for two years and I dragged her down the aisle after six years of dating!" You tell the world

Thank you! I love that when gay people want to speak their truth some homophobe comes out to say, "You people think you're special." Yeah, being brave enough to risk being fired, kicked out of your home (if it is your own legally rented home), beaten, and turned out is such a stunt. This kid is practically the new Kim

Oh, I've got that part. There will be no mollycoddling or special treatment in my home. I will not be participating in the "black mothers and their sons" BS, because I've seen it upclose and personal. I've seen it in my family and I cannot stand it. My mom and aunt suffered through it because of my grandmother doing

Well, it's too late for all that. What's done it done. I just have to take the blows as they come. If I could, I'd put the kid in bubble wrap and keep him with me all day. But that's not an option. Millions of black moms before me did it. Some won. Some lost. I just have to deal with it. It wasn't his choice and it

Well, everyone's opinion matters to me so long as it is positive or, if the person is ignorant, is an expression of a willingness to learn. You should hang around because sometimes we don't get to hear the straight white male perspective. Just a few days ago I was wondering if it wouldn't be more comfortable for guys

I do know about Loving Day and I'm not going to attend. I'm of a multiracial background but I do self-identify as black (hence the good hair bullshit) and I don't really feel like I'd be in my place there. I can't explain my feelings to my wife. Though she's a wonderful woman and vehemently anti-racist, she wouldn't

Now playing

Of course I've read Amiri Baraka and I thought that that play was so silly that it damaged his credibility in my eyes. He has written some truly awful and disgusting things. His misogyny, homophobia, and rape advocacy are a stain on his character to me and I won't forgive them. MLKJ was a radical. Radicalism doesn't

Anyone who thinks MLK is an Uncle Tom has no idea how subversive and radical he was. Most people know the version that makes America come out looking like the good guy and everyone reconciled, but he was a radical in the tradition of the prophetic black church. You can dismiss anyone who says that as being unlettered