Wait until she finds out that Kanye's been cheating on her with Kanye all this time. Poor Kimmycakes.
Wait until she finds out that Kanye's been cheating on her with Kanye all this time. Poor Kimmycakes.
Yeah, I think such an event would appeal to you. And, I think you're a racist. You can be a racist and object to the way I describe the people you defend. I would be unreasonable for me to expect you not to think I'm a jerk based on what you believe. Hey! I'll be the that person you say is, "only interested in being…
You must tell me: how can you tell if a frog is a boy frog or girl frog? I've never seen any outward signs? It is sort of like turtles. How can you tell a boy turtle from a girl turtle? Turning them over doesn't she anything, does it?
Oh, I've seen you around Penabler and I think you're one of the most thoughtful, witty, and intelligent people here. You're a good people and I always look around for your comments. What's your avatar? He's cute!
I don't deserve your sympathy. This is my fault. I deserve to feel guilty because I am guilty of knowingly bringing an innocent into what I know will be bad. He deserves sympathy. My wife deserves sympathy because part of me wants her to have an abortion but I'd never bring it up because it is her body and only she…
What good points have you made other than, "You're not allowed to criticize these women because I say so?" Or, what good points have you made about why I shouldn't be upset that this will find itself back to me. Actually, it already has. I have to defend myself to you simply for objecting. You've found a specious or…
I'm sorry for not understanding you clearly. I really am. I don't think we are as simpatico as you think we are because this is more personal for me.
I live with this garbage, I don't need to know their intentions. But, keep demeaning my opinion because, at the end of the day, it isn't your problem. You don't have to deal with it and I don't have a right to ask you to care. You can live in your naive bubble and believe what you want. It's easy for you to disregard…
It is because they volunteered for this, but their engaging in this will put other black women in the compromising position of having to deal with it. I'll try to explain it again. It is like when one black person allows his/her white friends to say "nigga" and then the rest of us have to deal with telling him or her…
I condemn them because this will exacerbate a problem those of us who didn't agree to participate in this. Their choice is fine for them if it only impacted them but it doesn't. If this didn't go any further than them, I wouldn't care. I'd still think they were either naive or Uncle Toms, but it would be "their…
It is wrong to ask permission. It isn't enough to think it is wrong to touch someone's hair without permission. Asking, in and of itself, is grossly offensive. Just because someone doesn't indulge in the most egregious behavior doesn't mean they are any less racist than those who do. It shows what that person thinks.
I never presumed to know your race. I never made a claim to know your race which is why I posed some things as questions. But, I see that since you're excited by this conversation why you would talk down to me like I'm a child.
I'm sure they had no idea that this person they invited to speak held these views. It's like when the College Republicans at Fordham invited Ann Coulter to speak and then acted shocked when people objected. They plead ignorance and then pretended they object to her hate speech. It's a scam. They are less believable…
I misunderstood that the straight white guy was the idiot. I apologize for not characterizing how that went down, but I meant no malice or to deliberately besmirch your character. Please accept my apology, though I understand if you don't.
Forgive my misreading of her post. However, I cannot say that I am mistaken about her giddiness. I don't know why anyone would be "excited" to see how this went.
Well, this black woman agrees with the straight white guy. He's not the clueless one for not othering, exoticizing, and wanting to pet human beings like dogs. How could you not be ashamed of even entertaining the notion that wanting to pet someone like an animal or, to reference something else that black people have…
I am so uncomfortable with that spectacle. It reminds me of slaves being inspected on an auction block and having their teeth inspected by people who bought them. I don't understand why any person of color would perpetuate this or why any decent person would pet us like we're dogs. That outrageous exhibition is near…
This group has entertained and defending some of the worst and most bigoted assholes to ever fart in a judge's chair. They cloak their bigotry in the very shoddy intellectual arguments they make. They're charlatans and hustlers. The sad part is that some of their acolytes, such as Justice Scalia, are extremely…
I'm surprised that anyone is shocked that such speech would be heard at a gathering of the Federalist Society. This is what they really believe. Recently, we've seen the racists and the misogynists become more open about what they really think. This cheap speech by a mediocre judge is a very concise expression of the…
This is part of her act to convince Kanye she's changed and doesn't want to live with her longtime photog companions. I don't believe this at all. This was contrived and she probably told them in advance that she needs too engage in this charade. Nothing that comes out of her mouth is true or should be taken…