NFTs are digital, statues are physical. One person could own the NFT and another person could own the statue. Despite what blockchain-bros may tell you, NTFs make for a terrible titles of ownership.
NFTs are digital, statues are physical. One person could own the NFT and another person could own the statue. Despite what blockchain-bros may tell you, NTFs make for a terrible titles of ownership.
When I first saw DBZ, I thought Frieza was female anyway.
The Forgotten Land is to Kirby what Mega Man X7 was to Mega Man X, which is to say very little different, just the same game now in 3D. An actual major change to the formula would mean something more akin to Mega Man Legends, which is decidedly different from Mega Man X.
I’ve 100% all of them, thanks!
Odyssey wasn’t significantly different from the Galaxy series, though, which was just “What if Mario 64 but tiny planets??” That’s five games over 20 years that are all 90% identical. They’re still fun, but they are by no means innovative.
The point isn’t how often we get them, the point is how similar they all are.
Nintendo doesn’t Reinvent the wheel so much as mandate new gimmicks. Pokemon is practically unchanged from its Game Boy original. Kirby is Kirby, and we get it every year. Even Super Mario Odyssey, as much as I love it, is a minor upgrade to the 20-year-old Super Mario 64 formula. And Fire Emblem’s combat is really…
In my personal experience, I’ve wanted to remove photobombers and other artifacts from photos far more often than I’ve wanted to copy an object from a photo.
If shooting yourself in the foot had any political consequence at all for the far-right, we would have seen it by now.
Completely off-topic, but I never liked how NG+ introduced a new rarity color and made it red. I suppose in the context of God of War it kinda fits, since red/blood is Kratos’ signature, but visually it doesn’t work. The game more less follows a brightness scale for rarity that ends in gold, which is then completely…
Word on the street is in some ways the opposite. Unity became popular for its user-friendliness, but that has always come at the cost of a less efficient engine and lower quality graphics. More recently Unity has been pushing technologies to “address” these issues, but in doing so has made the program harder to use.
The general idea of what you’re talking has been done, but not in Unity. The Mandalorian famously uses Unreal Engine to quickly render much of its CGI.
Honestly, that may be doing more harm than good. For many years the word “gamer” was considered a derogatory term (A particular CSI: Miami episode comes to mind). Let’s not repeat mistakes of the past and let the toxic ones take exclusive control of the word.
I look at the west and see a minor turn-based renaissance, then cross my fingers Square is paying attention.
Any abuse victim could tell you that the latter is not how any abuse victim would act.
There are a lot of great exclusives for every platform, so consider that a blessing in disguise!
Pretty sure the conversation was between Cloud and Tifa. Most likely in reference to the Nibelheim flashback when Sephiroth nearly killed her.
It depends. X started the trend of linearity, so it’s not particularly indicative of the franchise as a whole.
Once again, a person has confused trademark with copyright. Copyright is automatic, and requires zero “enforcement” to retain those rights.
I think you’re thinking of the wrong patent. The one I’m referring to is specifically about emulating the cell processor on a PS4/PS5.