
do they often have 3D printers at police auctions? cause that seems like a pretty good price.

That is awesome and my entire family now wishes to become part of your family!

I miss the "Martha by Mail" catalogue. It actually had some very nice, pretty things in it.

Your denial of 3D printing is odd, but understandable. It's pretty mind blowing to watch something magically grow out of a spool of plastic. Once I slept with a guy and only noticed his 3D printer on my way out. He could have gotten me into bed so much easier if he'd shown me that first!

I'm such a sucker for Martha's style.

how is this person not greyed, and I am. I have so much to offer.

He isn't even trying any more. This idiot has clearly found a way to be instantly in the black. reelfeminismism yesterday, instaapproved today.

When something is obviously out of place in the Jez comments, you can check the comment history by clicking their user name.

This person has five comments to date, all in the last few hours, and all argumentative in nature. You just rewarded troll behavior.

I know it's hard to resist the temptation, but when you try, it

I know this is supposed to make us all "ugh, kids, these days", but honestly it makes me wish their parents paid more taxes.

"Treadwell assaulted King during an altercation at her home"

I got into trouble with my sister's neighborhood moms. One of them threw a model party complete with audition tapes for 6 yr olds. I taught my niece to say "I'M NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS!" so she did to the camera, my sister thought it was hilarious but the other moms were pisssed!

Sounds like my daughter's 5th birthday. Dirt was thrown, water was sprayed, cake was eaten. It was a rousing success.

I'm really sorry you had to go through that.

I had to get an abortion when my fetus died but stayed in my uterus. It was a wanted pregnancy and going to the clinic was the worst day of my life. If there had been assholes yelling at me I would have totally lost my shit. These PROTESTERS (fuck you Scalia) have no right to judge anyone.

You forgot to mention that the main subject with 5 children, who stresses that abstinence education works, has had her first two daughters given birth while "out of wedlock", one as a teen. The babies were given up for adoption. She even makes a bit of a flip remark that even though abstinence didn't stick with

Whenever I see some cretin claim that abortion is an attack on black people, I'm reminded that not only is America's infant mortality rate a national disgrace, but that a horrifically high percentage of those real dead babies are African-American . . . and that the pro-forced-birth crowd has consistently fought every

As a clinic escort, I've heard protesters say such repulsive shit that it constantly amazes me that no one has punched them (to date). They love, love, LOVE to antagonize the patient's companions with things like "Be a real man, don't let her kill your baby!" (if the companion is male) or if a patient is accompanied

"I would never call them counselors," Pia, a Boston woman who goes to Planned Parenthood for her annual exams and to get contraception, says. "I'd call them sidewalk terrorists."

I once had an old man follow me from a PP clinic to my car shouting at me that birth control caused cancer. As soon as I got to my car I totally flipped out on him but I had a rage black out so I have no clue what I said. Then I got into my car and immediately burst into tears and called my mom. These people are

It's always the people who never use their genitalia who want to make sure to tell you how to use yours.