
I tweeted about it being desperate bullshit for Time to include this on their poll, and you wanna know what happened? A bunch of sad men that I don't know called me a bunch of really vulgar names. These are not my followers, these are losers looking for women to insult. Nope, we sure don't need any feminists around

"Goddamn, even his lawyer can't outright deny the validity of these allegations. They're not even trying.Goddamn, even his lawyer can't outright deny the validity of these allegations. They're not even trying."

Too funny but so true.

Lil Baby Birdy is finally here! Since I've spoken so much about my pregnancy over the last few months, there's no way I could pass up sharing her during Saturday Night Social.

I'm a lurker on here and rarely post. I just wanted to say that sometimes, reading this on Saturday nights helps me feel less alone. Thanks internet people I'll never meet in real life!

I love this comment because I drive a Buick. It's dependable and comfy as fuck. Also it belonged to my fiancé's now-dead grandfather (but you probably already guessed that). :)

So. I am here to give an update about what happened last week when I fled from my emotionally abusive boyfriend. I've been posting about trying to get out of this relationship for a while but had been very very stuck do to being very very poor and very alone in a new city and not being able to afford a place of my own

As an Australian, it is not even remotely fun watching our glorious leader get up and make a consistent ass of himself. He hates gays, women and the sciences, but has spent the months leading up to the G20 talking about how hes going to get into a fight with Putin, the one person who has remarkably similar views on

Typical Obama, making koalas kiss when he's supposed to be Presidenting. #impeach

It would be nice if we didn't use a slang term for female genitalia as a slur and an insult. English is a rich language. There are many, many other words.

Not all men accused of rape are rapists, but 92-98% are, and that's good enough for me. Add that to the fact that it's 9 or so women in the Gomeshi case and at least a dozen in the Cosby case, and you get something like a 0.000000032% chance that it's all fabrication. I wouldn't buy a lottery ticket on those odds, let

*No all men are rapists and not all men who are acused of being rapists are rapists.*

What a pussy to take his wife with him on his first interview outing. Now he uses women to protect him.

That he didn't even have a boilerplate non answer ready for this shows a certain level of arrogance. Even if none of the accusations are true, you still have to address them and to assume no one will ask about them on a national news program, not some softball talk show, is just arrogant and/or dumb.

He couldn't even just say the allegations are false. What a piece of shit.

You're right. Instead, the critics and assholes just constantly call her a man though.

You've fallen a long way, baby.

Never has so much been given to someone doing so little.

I'm going to assume that he washed the suit at least once a week, but his point is definitely taken. Women go through so much more than men, and the sad part is that we are conditioned to accept it without question.