If you listen to all the things that the Christian Right claims are acts of Satan and things that Satan wants, he actually sounds like a really nice, kind person.
If you listen to all the things that the Christian Right claims are acts of Satan and things that Satan wants, he actually sounds like a really nice, kind person.
I think it’s hilarious she tried to do that and was claiming that it was a stolen sex tape. And then James Deen was like nope, we didn’t date and it was a porno we filmed.
Farrah is a grade A narcissist (literally) but Gary is a piece of shit. He’s an emotionally manipulative douchebag who enjoys tormenting the women in his life. Amber seems to really have gotten her life together after going to “gel” so I hope she can be a good influence in her daughters life.
If it’s loose, it’s because she mostly talks out of it.
She’s pretty bad at clever
also who the fuck eats only 4 nuggets
One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.
popular chain restaurant that rhymes with “Crapplebees.” (Editor’s Note: Oh for fuck’s sake)
Jamie Layton’s story reminds me of a famous story I heard when I was working at a regional theater festival.
I would have loved to have seen a salad with 1 quartered garbanzo bean, and 6 whole beets in it.
She’s not smizing, that's how you know.
Amy Adams is sweetness and light, I can not imagine anyone doing that to her. What a fucking monster.
If I was them I would honor the purchases. The losses they take are nothing compared to the publicity from being total shitheads.
Can we get a number to call, or an address? It’s funny what a thousand phone calls can do.
To be fair, when discussing McDonalds employment practices, it's natural to have the word "absurd" at the tip of your tongue.
I understand that reference!
That's my thinking and I'm hoping that turns out to be true. She already chased away the director, so I'm hoping the studio doesn't give her anymore control.
Hopefully she's sad because the studio has told her that she absolutely CANNOT write the script for the second movie.....?