If you read the story, she and the baby were sleeping in the same bed and it died. If this were a wealthy, white Park Slope yuppie mother "Co-Sleeping", there wouldn't be charges because it would be a "tragic accident" or "SIDS".
If you read the story, she and the baby were sleeping in the same bed and it died. If this were a wealthy, white Park Slope yuppie mother "Co-Sleeping", there wouldn't be charges because it would be a "tragic accident" or "SIDS".
Isn't the accused mentally ill. How can they make this choice.
WHAT? That is terrible. :(
Funk said people could be ordered to stay away from children, and the state wouldn't have to resort to such invasive measures.
Seems like coersion (sp?). Which would make a normal contract void, would a plea deal not fall under contract law?
I have no doubt there are people who should not be having any(more) children, but I'd love to see the stats on how often this option is offered to men. Prolly never?
It says that she was charged with neglect after the baby died mysteriously. I think if she murdered the baby out right they would say exactly what she did.
Holy shit, are you serious? That is physically revolting.
I remember my mom making an offhand remark one day that my grandma refused to go to the tribal clinic while she was having a baby. She didn't want to be sterilized. She knew what happened to a number of women who went there and she didn't want to be one of them.
He's horrible. And it bugs the shit out of me that comics I admire and like seem to think he's a great talent. He's just an asshole with a microphone.
It is very 1940's starlet platinum blonde isn't it? I dig it too.
He didn't try and steal it, with 12 years a slave script he did have a hand in writing the final draft and Ridley has clashed with people before about the same thing, so there is a pattern with him.
This is beyond rape culture. This is the Twilight Zone levels of hate culture. And does it not occur to these people that this means that a man who stabs a woman so brutally is wandering around free to kill again?
"The only way out of those handcuffs, Anastasia, is to either saw off your hand or cut open the belly of your mother to retrieve a key that's been placed there. Your choice."
But then he'll re-release it twenty years later with added FX like a bantha in the background of Christian's apartment and a new explosion for when Anastasia has a mind-blowing orgasm.
James Wan, also director of Insidious and The Conjuring. His horror aesthetics applied to this series would be amazing to say the least.
I am now revisiting the whole Padme/Anakin relationship through a whole new filter thanks to you.
Okay, wait. You guys. Wait. I've got it. Bear with me, here, 'cause I'm gonna blow your hair back.
I'd watch that movie.
Glad to know I'm not the only one!