
Of course I am Abed :-)))))))

I agree it CAN be part of a plea deal I'm just not entirely convinced it should be. I think there is a marked different between rehab and sterilization....

This. This exact thing! I would bet serious money on just how few men the equivalent procedure is offered to as part of a plea. Not that this should be on the cards for anyone, medical procedures shouldn't have anything to do with jail time.

Yeah, me neither. I've TOTALLY never fantasized about Tate and Kit and Kyle and Jimmy Definitely not. Ever.

I think a lot of the negativity that's coming towards you (which you seem quite surprised by) is because you are giving off the very distinct impression that you think you are more deserving than a fast food worker. People are talking about giving them a living wage, trying to improve the lot of some of the most

Absolutely. Seems more like she's just a bit pissed at the idea that a lowly fast food worker ('If someone working the deep-fry machine at mcdonalds gets paid just as much or more than me, I just can't reconcile how that is right') would get paid the same or God forbid more.