
Who thinks an american would have admitted it was their own fault?

Any takers?


Dear Katherine,

LOL you guys realize crackity is hardcore trolling, right? Everyone is getting all riled up about what I thought was a pretty obvious troll to play off of the "URL Badman" theme. It's pretty meta.

If six-month-old Bloody Mary mix could kill you, you'd be dead like 15 times over by now.

Does that make Madonna the original evil queen?

Hmm. That sounds promising. I found a Chobani yogurt wedged between my washer and dryer. Would you perhaps be interested in a trade?

But he did have a scene where he was injured and I had to care for his wounds and then we made sweet dirty love under the stars.

He didn't take his clothes off though. Thor always takes his clothes off, for no good reason.

Snow White and the Huntsman — in which Kristen Stewart starred as Snow White — will get a sequel, but it will focus on the Huntsman, aka the one who no one gives a shit about and is no one's favorite fairy-tale character.

Huh. I didn't see the movie so I'm way late on this, but did anyone notice that the black bird thing was in Madonna's "Frozen" video?

I really enjoyed it for what it was. Not even ashamed.

Total aside, and I am deeply ashamed, but re: Jeremy Renner— I actually liked that Hansel and Gretl movie. Kitschy fun.

Bahaha. You made me laugh. I'll never be able to look at her without visualizing her interior mechanics again.

I'm still not entirely convinced that Stewart isn't some kind of robot. They blew thsir entire budeget on making her chassis look super real, and had to buy the emoting software from a black-market ChuckECheeze animatronics reseller.

I'm all for action heroine movies BUT the first movie was horribly boring except for the ray of light which is Charlize Theron. I'm not upset that they're ditching Snow White since Kristen Stewart didn't make a believable warrior princess.

In only somewhat related news: while a group of crows is well-known as a murder, a group of ravens is called... an unkindness. An unkindness of ravens.

I just want to watch her. All the time.

I wonder what the population of women in women-only prisons is? I bet it's higher.

(Snow White was supposed to be pure, but then she put on armor and hit the battlefield like a regular old war monger. She should have fought the evil queen with love and dwarves and poppies and MDMA or something.)