
So these folks make a "competitive" wage which is still probably not that much. Patrons give money that they assume is going to the server, and then it is given to charity? I guess this is fine if folks know they are donating to charity. I hope that is very clear. It isn't cool to re-purpose tips intended for servers

did you READ the article before posting ???

You are clearly NOT a genius as you somehow missed his manager admitting that he wore this nametag for a shift and that the manager knew about it. You are not bright. Clearly.

Please. Like none of you ever chased a homeless man down the street and then spit at a cop. What is this, a quilting bee?

Yeah, you skipped over the part where his boss freely acknowledged that he wore the nametag and that he did nothing about it. Best possible case scenario, the boss is still a fucking moron.

I'm betting Disney will be super-okay with this.


I can't decide if my favorite thing about this is A) that the groom's friends were all hella down to give the bride lap dances, or B) DISPOSABLE DRUGSTORE CAMERA.

Okay normally I find this stuff annoying (sorry I'm awful) but this was actually pretty cute. I love the fact that not only did this groom do this for his bride but his friends participated as well. Cute.

I'll take the tall one, please. kthxbye

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

Just think about how amazing parenthood would be if you had personal assistants and world class nannies, day and night. I would have like 10 kids. You basically only have to deal with them when you want to.

Of course she has a live-in nanny along with a personal assistant. "Me" time is easier to have if somebody else is watching the baby while you're having it.

I saw this on Facebook earlier: his eyes look cold. I certainly don't find him hot or attractive at all. He has the right parts in the right places but he's damaged goods. Next!

You feel bad for a guy who once jerked off in front of a reporter? Please explain how his accusers are full of shit.

Ugh! I'm a parent, and I judge that shit double hard!

HA! I'm fine with kids flying, but some parents should be banned. On a recent evening flight, a mother was seated several rows ahead of her two children. She wanted to read them a bedtime story to put them to sleep. So she proceeded to VERY LOUDLY read a children's chapter book in that slow, purposeful read-aloud

I wouldn't think to put pull-ups on a child who had been reliably potty-trained for, let's say, a year.

Jet Blue also said they will comp the family $50 and $5,000 to a charity of their choice. What a joke of a company.

I approve! Rawr