wtf would you shoot the dog for?
wtf would you shoot the dog for?
Yes, Mr. Will. Being the victim of sustained emotional and sexual abuse by a partner was ABSOLUTELY the highlight of my college experience! All the other girls are so jealous of the years I've spent in therapy and the PTSD flashbacks I continue to have.
An old high school acquaintance went off on a rant about this last time we were together. He kept going on about the number of girls lying about being raped on college campuses to obtain some sort of feminist badge of honor.
She voiced Elsa in Frozen, Elphaba in the original Broadway run of Wicked, and she has multiple solo albums in addition to her many cast recordings. She's got got the rare combination of a voice that's both powerful and beautiful, with really vivid characterization- her interpretations are often funny as well as…
He can't possibly really think this. I mean, come on. It's absolutely insane. You should see how uncomfortable everyone gets if I ever mention my rape—it's hardly like talking about a freaking pool party. You are taught to keep your mouth shut. And, as I've said before, I know lots of women who have been raped. …
No joke, this old sack of balls got his BA from Trinity College in 1962, which is precisely one billion years ago. Also, seven years before the school became coed. So he knows exactly 0.0000 about what he is talking about.
This makes my stomach hurt. It's kind of a mixture of hate and nausea with a little fear mixed it.
And this is why you don't have dried up old toads write about sexual behavior on today's college campuses—he has no fucking clue what he's talking about. Yet, strangely, it simply doesn't stop these guys.
So whorish. Are you sure that pic wasn't taken on Hollywood Blvd?
she found a funky basket and put it on her head... wouldn't you?
Yeah, what I appreciated about the first season was the way the women attached high stakes to mundane. Like the wild chicken episode. Or Red's initial hazing of Piper. It used to be all about psychological warfare with this bunch, so it didn't make sense to me that Poussey would be the lone Cassandra who could see…
Now I'm feeling like the only person who didn't love this season as much as the first. The first season in my mind focused more on the complexity of the characters, whereas I felt like everyone had their trademark personality shtick this season and stuck to it. Everyone felt more one-dimensional to me :(
I adore Poussey, especially for her vulnerability. Her hurt face is so sweet and and childlike. And damn, she's hot. Sincerely, straight married lady.
Poussey makes me question my sexu-alitay. No, she makes me question life itself. Because how can anyone be so damn awesome? But I liked her this much from last season *brushes off shoulders*
You could also do that with glue, a common classroom supply. Given that this is a health and safety necessity for some children, can't we train the teachers to watch for and report bullying (which kids will do regardless of the materials available)?