
Man. And Repo was a step up, sounds like.

Best read in Kevin Spacey’s voice here... ;]

Fixed it - free of charge, Mr. Wayans!~

Nooooo, no can doooo...!


Janelle Mason is now my personal hero.

Second-most follow-able two-some in recent memory.

Yeah, her post there was right on target. Inspiring in being so sussinct.

There was a respondent by the handle 'IEatFreyPie' who had a *really* well-worded, head-butt-style comment which I cannot find on the XOJ piece any longer. I cribbed its opening lines for my editorial illustration:

Free of charge, enjoy the use! If you print shirts, cut me 15%, Pls! ;]

This Message Brought To You By The Guacamole Safety Council.

Wait 30 showers? But Kim let RayJ nut on her.... Never mind.

The down side of 'community-sourced' content: This one, right here. :\

Hey - I can tell you're in love with it, *but* please stop trying to make 'piping' happen, K?

Famous Writer? More like Famous This Is Why People Torrent Books Nowadays... Amirite?

He also accused my cats of giving him mono. You read that correctly.

I can see now why people spend so much time DLing torrented TV shows - especially when the far easier way to view shows is to simply pay for a cable box: to avoid crap commercials like this.