If you're on XBL, holla at me.
If you're on XBL, holla at me.
Grits and eggs, y'all.
Those fuckers in Boone are higher than giraffe pussy.
"UFC" is not a sport, your argument is invalid.
How "smelly food" didn't make this list is beyond me. Or lump feet, farts, and food in the same category: NOTHING STINKY.
You are a moron and should talk less.
Your message here is loud and clear. Thanks for reminding us — AGAIN! — how valued we are as male "allies".
"But, like I said in THE FIRST PARAGRAPH, go nuts with Movember. Movember is good. Yay, Movember."
They should probably change that label, then.
"Forget Movember!"
Whew — good thing. Thought i was gonna have to bust out caps lock up in this piece.
Plus LarLo evens rhymes, yo.
Different strokes?
Fahey: "10 ways Lobo and Wolvie are sorta similar" or GTFO.
But, um ... the Purity Myth ...it's bad, you guys. Rando hookups FTW!
Tangent: If you're interested in fighters, i'd recommend anything Invicta FC does. For news, Women's MMA Roundup and MMA Rising are fantastic.
Grace Jones for Storm (with mohawk). Tori Amos for Jean Grey. Young James Hetfield (who BTW is legit a tall dude. i saw them in concert and he's easily 12, 14 feet tall) for Sabretooth.