
More Linda Hamilton?

1) Finish time machine

That would be Haywire, which was enjoyed by quite a few people in this thread.

Fair point, and i get camera work and all, i guess my brain just keeps getting stuck on "Amazon".

Oops, yes — that's what i meant. My bad.

I am actually still upset about Jackman playing Wolvie.

However, i AM a hypocrite, since i wanted (uber-actor) Glenn Danzig to get the role. :|

Oh wow, i've never been referred to as "THE" anything ...

It's my understanding that she was dubbed* in Haywire.

No, Carano is too short and too untalented as an actress to carry a major role like that. And i say that as an MMA and Carano fan.

Dat toe gap.

No ... please.

Raise your hand if you wait until the last minute before getting your Halloween costume in order. *raises hand*

Women who complain incessantly about shitty dudebros are hanging out with shitty people.

Hello, alternate me. It sounds like we have married the same women.

As the person in the house that does the majority of the shopping (and cooking), i can tell you i also am irrationally annoyed by "manfluencer". I haven't noticed any packaging changes in the last decade, but i'm not buying anything that's been butched up just so i'll pick it up.

OTOH, I'm not buying activia, because

Why is that sad?

The correct answer is:

Make your own.

You can precisely be as sexy/unsexy as you wish, you don't have to worry about someone else being the same thing as you*, and you will earn the respect of all who encounter you.
If you enjoy Halloween enough to dress up and party, you have no excuse. If you're just looking to get

A bird?? Good god, that sounds so work-intensive my hands hurt.

Kudos to you, costume maker person — your daughters brighten Halloween for all who see them.

And all praise to the genius who created the glue gun.

No, but they should. Platinum hair is awful.

Fuck this guy — he's getting WAY too much pussy for a one-legged dude.