Greg Kinnear is the male Jennifer Garner.
Greg Kinnear is the male Jennifer Garner.
The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.
The framing in these articles, that you should consume no calories ever for any reason because they’re all evil, is really dangerous in and of itself, speaking as a person with an eating disorder. You don’t want all of the calories to be burned off. Many of them are needed to, you know, keep the body alive and…
What’s that about your governor, Maine?
This guy is a case study in why people from Maine prefer only to deal with New Hampshire when it comes time to buy cheap booze or to pass through as quickly as possible on the way to Boston.
It has been said before (and often here on Kinja) but can you imagine the GOP’s thunderous outrage if someone from Hillary’s camp spoke so openly about killing Dicknuts Donald?
I’m hoping they tell him some totally bullshit things just to see if he leaks them and he’ll get up to the podium tonight and be like, “you won’t believe the things I’ve been hearing about Swaziland’s chemical weapons program!”
First national security briefings today. How long before Trump lets something slip. My money’s under 48 hours.
For Non-American readers, there are 400 congressmen in the New Hampshire State House of Representatives* (each person representing about 3000 people) and the place only pays $100 per year for being a congressman, which means that a) it’s not that hard to get elected, and b) only really, shall we say, dedicated people…
I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?
If this story is true, Katie Holmes deserves all of the applause, credit, and mom awards on the planet for extricating herself and her child from her powerful husband and his overbearing cult and then continuing to protect her from them.
katie holmes remains the best- protecting suri from that cult
Huh, telling me I should bow down before the one I serve? That I’ll get what I deserve? Because, before I’d give Trump control, I can think of a lot of things I’d rather do.
Omarosa begs the question: What in the holy hell did Michael Clark-Duncan see in her?
Excellent point. The only way for Trump to be the smartest person in the room is to hire people who are profoundly and / or willfully ignorant.
Donald hires people who are unqualified to work at that level and in return they give him loyalty. If the Trump campaign seems like amateur hour it is because Trump designed it that way.
Why the fuck is health care an INDUSTRY in the first place??? I know, America, capitalism, profits etc. but wtf!!! No way to reconcile care and the best interests of a human being with the bottom line. Ffs.
“It’s no surprise that companies are adapting at different rates to a market where they compete for business on cost and quality rather than by denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions.”
I am hoping that this is one step of many in forcing a conversation to a single payer system.
If only there was model the US could work off of that would allow affordable health care for all that would not be subject to the whims of the marketplace and private corporations bottom lines. But alas, who can conceive of such a thing.....