
He deserves

I bet Melania did!

I hope he panicked and voted for Hillary.

This is actually fair. When cooking I use the fewest possible number of pots and utensils, whereas my wife uses 3x as many things.

“If you know that someone else is handling the dishes, you’re less motivated to clean as you go and use as few dishes as possible.”

I feel like that might work in a household where cooking is split up and not all on one person

Was the shit spread out on the bread, or was it an unbroken log? If it’s an unbroken log, then why even go with the 2 pieces of bread instead of a bun? Madness. You wouldn’t eat a hot dog that way.

Leah Remini won me over with “Troublemaker” because of how she tells it as it is. I ordered it on Audible which was the best decision ever because I got to listen to it in her outspoken New Yorker accent. Highly entertaining!

Leah did not come to play.

Stop with the auto play ads! Please! I can’t surf Jezebel at work any more cause the damn ads play by themselves.

I was shocked to see my cousin’s 13 year old daughter brag about being mean to another girl at school for being weird. I admonished her only to have her mother (my cousin) basically say “What? That kid IS weird, so...”

I was bullied mercilessly in school. It was...awful. I’m so glad that I was pretty much done with school before social media was a thing, or else I probably would’ve been in a similar situation. The worst that happened online is a guy from school spent the summer chatting with me on AIM and then turned out it was a

I hope the school administrators, the bullies, and the bullies’ parents live with this guilt until their dying days. Kids think this behavior is ok because someone models it for them.

The bullying element has grown SO much now that kids have technology at their fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used to you could go home and be safe from hate, but not anymore. Bullying (combined with mental health issues) is what landed my daughter in a psychiatric hospital last month with suicidal thoughts.

Hey Bruce Porter Jr., two questions: What made this seem like an Islamic of BLM ambush-style attack and 2) which group does Scott Michael Greene belong to?

I wonder if his“plan” was to pin it on BLM? Like the police officer’s wife in Massachusetts who robbed her own house (she had some debts) and then spray painted “BLM” all over the side of her house and played it up in the media or the guy in Texas who vandalized his own pickup truck with BLM?

Greene loves America.

I will bet you any amount of money that he was hoping these police killings would be laid at the door of Black Lives Matter by the public and press.

“You have to understand in the current social climate we’re in, when you fly a Confederate flag standing in front of several African American people, that’s going to cause a disturbance, whether you intended to or not.”

So he proves that BLM protesters hate cops...by murdering cops.