
I’m a Vegas resident and these ads are shown ad nauseum. Usually an anti-Heck ad is followed by an anti-Cortez Masto ad, which I find pretty entertaining yet eye-opening. The Heck ads brag about him being a doctor and veteran like that matters, especially since Republicans couldn’t care less about veterans issues or

Sounds like a real wiener.

Single and childless here. Saw it yesterday with a single, childless friend. Initially, I was’t too jazzed about seeing it but I really enjoyed it.


Umm..the “jeans” dude’s hair/wig? Anyone care to explain it to me??

Darkey? Well isn’t that quaint.

Whatever, Pennsatucky!

They always would find me too until about 5 years ago I told the Bishop on my doorstep to take my name off the rolls. Haven’t been bothered by them since. You have to get removed from the rolls or they will keep bugging you.

Rand, the market had decided what you were worth...shit.

Kinda Joe Pesci-esque.

No offense, but at first glance I thought this was Gary Coleman.

Hope the pig is charged with littering too!

I see he eats Frosted Mini Wheats too!

I live in Vegas and I will most definitely check out his show while he is here. He is a dickbag but I enjoy his dancing and most of his music. He can't assault me from the nose bleed seats I will likely have.

Almost bought them in purple.

Poor Mariah. She looks in the mirror and sees the "Vision of Love" version of herself. She cannot accept how she has aged and matured. I wish she could see how beautiful she still is and allows more realistic depictions of herself to be released to the media. Her use of photoshop is becoming a punch line so it has the


I refuse to believe that.

Exactly. Torn between the sack of shit with a penis and the sack of shit who used to have a penis.