
This is the best thing I’ve ever seen on Adequate Man. A low bar to clear, for sure, but it was well cleared.

- What are the perks? Do you like distraction during your brutal cardio routine? Make sure there are TV screens in front of or embedded in the treadmills.

What is that around BronzeHammer’s neck and why does he look so mad

What distance could a football be punted by you?

What the fuck are you talking about.

How far can you punt a football?


What time this afternoon will the 2012 Commenter of the Year be announced?

Where are you now that I need you?

Welcome to the club!

Hopefully all the people who say blacks only eat fried chicken and watermelon will now drop those racist stereotypes, and replace them with the racist stereotypes in this article.

Stanisclasse always struggled in one-round fights.

Do you miss me?

Police say there is no clear motive for the attack.

Definitely the Saucony Hurricane. This is a great shoe.

Definitely the Saucony Hurricane. This is a great shoe.

Oh sure, when Lionel Osbourne comes back, now everybody gets excited.

I mean, who even cares about legacy, or how one was rated, or whether one was the best of all time, or even one year, or maybe 2012, when we were young and these things mattered?

Five years ago, I asked Tommy Craggs how far he could punt a football. He wouldn’t answer, pleading the Fifth Amendment.

Who was the best commenter ever?

I have a suggestion for a future topic: something that isn't overly contrived.