
Probably because everyone there except for Samer and Shitehawk hates me.

Where’s scotchnaut or vodkanaut or whatever the fuck his name was

Football is still by far the most popular high school sport in America.

So he is black!

How far can he punt a football?

You’ve either never run a marathon or never tried a triathlon, or both.

Was that for me or Burneko’s mom?

How far could you fake a punt and run with a football?

With your permission, I’d like to use this as the epitaph on the Deadspin commenting tombstone.

If he were a good Christian he would have been found alive inside a boulder.

How far can you punt a football?

Was BlessedToComment more vile, stupid or obnoxious?

Which one of you can correctly answer this question?

Obsessive piano playing and fixating on an object are common symptoms of kids with a Taipei personality.

Actually, he may be ineligible to serve. Not sure how old he is.

Ray Guy.

Well, halfway intelligent is better than unintelligent, I guess.

I’m talking about punters. Men.

I’ll ask the questions here.

No, no, that’s okay. The only reason you should feel dumb was that all of this happened over three years ago.