
They are no longer a “scrappy start up” and havent been one for some time. Not to mention the whole scrappy start up schtick is just a ploy for selfish CEOs to not pay their employees well or with benefits and to make them buy into the “culture” by leveraging promises of future success. Exept when that future success

Eh, better than paying 50K to the Italian American conglomerate with some of the consistently worst parts sourcing in the industry. 

The last Defender (this one is a 2010s) didn’t do so hot in that area in its stock form.

$49,900?!? That’s almost Wrangler money!

Maybe, but they’re all very distinct vehicles, unless you’re part of the “all SUVs are the same” crowd.

It is if you do it right. If you half-ass it like me, it’s not that bad. 

Or the same ethnicity, just black, in the case of Balotelli. 

I’d love to see them take it that far. Another possibility, ban the home fans and only allow the traveling fans. Force these clubs to deal with their dipshit supporters and make it hurt.

Hell, do both.

Italian Soccer Fans are Being Racist as Hell Again.

Who would have ever guessed that a group of Italians would react negatively to someone of a different ethnicity to them?

While one shouldn’t read too much in the first few games of the season

If this was a weekday, this comment would have 300 stars by now.

Medvedev is in a foul mood, throws a tantrum at the towel guy

I must break serve.

“That’s not like him...” they say.

We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics

LOL, mine’s for Lane Bryant! WTF? I am neither plus-size nor a woman. So I hesitate slightly before accusing you of being an alcoholic, but only slightly!

I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.

Immersing talent in Europe will pay dividends for the US in the next 8 years. Guys train and play because they have value to the club, not because mommy and daddy can buy them a spot on a “select” team. US Soccer his blown for so long because of: a) corruption, but also b) so much is “pay-to-play” with the NCAA as the