Not just pasta, but doing pasta when Scott’s your judge. The only way Drew could have went bigger is if he shoved red onion into every dish.
Not just pasta, but doing pasta when Scott’s your judge. The only way Drew could have went bigger is if he shoved red onion into every dish.
Pretty much. I would have preferred to see Lesnar retain because I believe that if booked properly (as in, Brock showing up at least once a month to just intimidate people and maybe defending every two months or something) the attraction champion thing they were going for would work. That being said, turning it into…
John Forslund is an absolute treasure and I am so glad that we have him and he only does the occasional national broadcast.
Just to be sure, does Red Lantern Mera fall higher or lower than Red Lantern Bleez on the rage scale?
For anyone on the fence about the Family Guy parody, here's the big thing you need to know: James Deen. As Quagmire. Fucking Meg.
Are those Transitions lenses, or is Louis CK just wearing some old 3D glasses?
I know it is just a short cut, but that hairstyle looks fan-fucking-tastic on her.
Heaven, heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens
If there were such things as time machines, the first thing I would use one for would be to go back and see Talking Heads perform. I mean David Byrne is awesome, but I would kill to see the whole band play.
Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me.
Oh yeah, I definitely didn't mean to come off like I was lecturing you or anything; you're doing great work, despite it seemingly falling on deaf ears.
I know it can be fun, but at the same time this is how troll arguments tend to dominate the comment sections and end up being the top threads while genuinely good, insightful comments are left to languish lower.
I'd just hang it up. As much as he gets his jollies from fucking with the commenters, it is plainly obvious that some get their jollies from feeding the troll in an attempt to look superior. I have the feeling that you might as well be yelling at a brick wall for all the good it will do.
Everyone knows that Jake is Bender, right? Because I'm waiting for the day he tells Finn to bite his glorious golden ass.
Well most people around here stereotype Duke as some sort of SUNY of the south or whatever. Which is asinine but whatever; even leaving Duke out of the discussion you have so many good college institutions in North Carolina alone that it makes steam blow from my ears when I hear someone insist that North Carolinians…
I'm kinda not surprised. Saying this as someone who loves hot and spicy snack foods (I miss you Buffalo Wing Wise chips and Lay's Hot and Spicy Barbeque (in something other than Lay's knock off of Pringles)), those Flamin' Hot Cheetos are fucking ridiculous.
You know what, my wallet is on the other side of the house right now but the next time I'm around it I think I will. Music like this needs to be supported.
Bless you for that. Even when I was really big into metal, I could never get down with the Cookie Monster growling vocals. And I'm not just saying this to blow smoke up your ass, but Queen of Hell is pretty damn good (listening as I type this).
As a fat man, I just wanted to say thank you, Lindy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get the hell out of this comment section before it turns to absolute shit.