Ray Smuckles

That's the thing about Jez: they'll espouse all sorts of feminist beliefs and viewpoints, but as soon as they fuck up something like the photos of a rape victim thing, they go running back to the "We never said we are a feminist site!!!" and it is just beyond frustrating.

I did the same thing with The West Wing when Bravo used to show two episodes a day starting at like 6 AM.

Anytime Kathy Bates says anything about the devil, I'm waiting for her to follow it up with something about foosball.

Been hittin' the Thighmaster, eh Torgo?

She might have kicked you in the back of the head for talking during a movie like a fucking jackass. God knows I've wanted to do the same to others.

I admit that I haven't watched much SVU lately, but in all honesty if Munch's role is still just "Show up, say something snarky, collect paycheck" then I can't decide if he's smart for leaving for something hopefully more meaty or a moron for giving up such an easy payday.

While I agree with you, I would also settle for someone from Jez pulling out something like "We here at Jezebel just want to say that Doug Barry is a dumbfuck and his article from last Sunday was total shit."

Exactly. Joan Jett is still alive, let her sing the damn song.

First the Sunday Night Football theme, now this? I think Carrie Underwood is making it her personal mission to destroy all the things people love.

He started talking to her today, with her identity protected. I'd say the episode spent the first 40ish minutes talking to the boy and his parents, and the last 20 talking to the victim. That being said, from the way the previews made it look he's going continue talking to the girl tomorrow and then take her claims

And you know what the worst part is? I NEVER LEARNED TO READ.

Boy, this is some hard-hitting fucking analysis. Now if you'll pardon me, I have to go to the doctor to see about getting my eyes unstuck from the back of my head.

Pat never did say good things about my dick.

I can tell you that as an American, I've learned a lot about Canadian history just from listening to the Hip and having to look up stuff to understand the references.

Dude, 38 Years Old is a true story about some people who never existed. Gord even tells us this on many live versions! :P

Just a heads-up: McCrory is getting ready to talk about the end of the 2013 Legislative Session in just a few minutes (1:30 PM EST) for anyone who is interested to see if he'll address some of the fuckery that has been going on (spoiler alert: I doubt it).


The missing-e stuff always stuck in my craw a bit. You've got a guy who is making improvements to things because 99% of tumblr users agree the website sucks in its current state, and instead of thinking "WE NEED TO HIRE THIS GUY!!!" (or at least absorb his changes and make them a part of the website), they constantly

This has the potential to be awesome, but it won't be the same without Lynne Thigpen. Fun Fact: the first time I saw Lean on Me I thought to myself, "Why is the Chief being such an asshole??"