Yeah, I had it three years ago now. Granted, I was only 5’2, so that put me on the edge of clinical morbid obesity with a BMI of 40.
Yeah, I had it three years ago now. Granted, I was only 5’2, so that put me on the edge of clinical morbid obesity with a BMI of 40.
Back when I was 220lbs, I had a hard time with dating because so many of the guys interested were simply chubby chasers. As soon as I mentioned a desire for the gastric bypass, they were gone.
Yeah, there is one in WDL, but that’s besides the point.
I use XD and lulz.
I want to see this actually done.
I am doing first class on the longer trains. For anything under 2 hours, I can tolerate the chaotic since it’s still not as bad as some of the trains in China (study abroad in a group).
I actually booked a walking food tour for Sorrento. =D
They should consider after 9:30am, honestly, since some kids have to catch a bus two hours before school starts. I know I did back then. Walking a quarter mile isn’t that far, but in the dark before the sun rises sucks.
Did they just women who created accounts on their site, or do they use cookies to figure out the gender of the people watching?
I’m actually doing Italy as well in a few weeks. I’ll be hitting Bologna, Rome, and Naples. And I’m going on my own, because apparently, I’m slightly suicidal (at least according to friends). It’s my first time, as well, so any advice. I already booked trains and hostels.
They’re already placed behind blinders at my local grocery store, a Vons. They don’t do it to any of the other magazines, though.
I keep a jacket and a blanket at my desk. But when I run groups in a classroom, it’s even colder in there than it is my office. And we can’t bring blankets to stay warm there. It’s hard to talk anger management when even the teen boys are complaining about how cold it is.
Which is the category for the person who gets horny and super giggly?
I was like, “it’s halfway between both.” This helped verify it.
Overweight, but not obese. I believe this is the friend who lives in Georgia.
I want the model’s hair. D:
My mother’s friend did. She would take cheesecloth, dip it in melted butter, dip it in sugar, fridge it for a bit, then suck on it.
My bailey’s cookie dough definitely is. Now I want to bail from work and make some.
My roommates did that to the pasta dish I made. I never cooked for them again after that.
Every single group photoshoot at conventions is held outdoors. Yet I never think about it when I’m getting ready for a comic or anime convention. So I never think about putting sunscreen because I’ll be indoors all day, anyway. Then I find out at the end of the day that I’m red in some very interesting patterns thanks…