Can we call this an example of misappropriating ethnic food? Please? D;
Can we call this an example of misappropriating ethnic food? Please? D;
My high school actually didn’t let seniors use lockers. So I made a sophomore friend who let me share his locker in a hallway. He was awesome.
And they’re just delicious. Deer jerky > beef jerky.
I preferred NSAIDs up until my doctor told me no more of them. Now I have to use tylenol pretty much all the time.
I can do that, as well.
Legally, they’re required to use “alleged” until found guilty in a court of law. Otherwise, they risk being sued for defamation. This is the case even if the crime is filmed with the person stating, “I, (name), am forcibly committing this crime” and looking at the camera. D:
Proactivity is great, but what you’re doing is a form of victim-blaming.
Yeah, like try to survive homeless on the streets because your parents kicked you out of the house when you were a teenager for being LGBT+, or dealing with PTSD and other psychological issues with easier-to-get illegal substances! Instead, be privileged and shit!
Do you know how many trans people are homeless (1 in 5) and/or dealing with such emotional complications that drugs (20-30%~ish) help ease that? Both are conditions that could be helped with more empathy than you clearly have. But they are also often what gets people sent to jail/prison.
Can’t buy cars, either, which is the weird thing.
You didn’t happen to be at my university in Prescott, Arizona, right? Because that’s exactly what it was like for us, too. D;
If their claim is that makeup is a disguise, they would also refuse any women wearing makeup. o.O That’s some pretty damn clear bias.
A place outside where a woman can be left in peace? Does such a place exist?
I can’t recall, either. I know when I walk to work now, I get kissed at and catcalled by creeps in cars, but I don’t remember it happening to me at all as a kid or teen. And while I had low enough self-esteem to think I was hideous, I doubt the men doing it actually care what their victims look like.
I love those wedges, but they’re too high for me to wear on a regular basis. I am eyeing another pair on their site, though, for $90... Hm...
Did it never once cross her mind how easy it is to get a fake ID? D:
Yeah, I think science proves we’re more than just clay and dirt. That doesn’t lend proof to anything special, though, on a bigger scale. We’re simply a species that focused brain development over offensive/defensive body development.
And what you should be asking with abortion is when does a fetus gain more rights than…
This, right here. Even if she was 18, I cannot imagine why this would still not be considered sexual assault. He took advantage of her neediness, which means she was not giving true consent.
I only lost alcohol once. My roommate dropped my glass container of homemade sangria getting out of the car with it. That was like 1.5 gallons wasted. D;
It's only once a month~.