
I don’t like this timeline.

If/when I have the money and time to go back to school to finish my doctorate, I want to do my dissertation specifically on the development and insulation of incel culture. The intersection of toxic masculinity, white supremacy, rightwing extremism, and the anonymity of the internet is definitely going to making them

I knew all this stuff in theory but to see it actually studied out to just what an extent the system racism affects all levels is depressingly fucked up. And yet, we get surrounded by those intentionally-ignorant who pretend it’s not there and that the law is fair, but Black people are the problem. And of course the

The velcro swaddles were great with my daughter until she started figuring out how to push her arms through them. Then there was the risk of them covering her mouth and we switched to the sleeping bag over-pajamas.

A lot of the time, the teachers aren’t going by evidence-based studies on how to assign homework, but rather what they did, what their peers do, what the school and parents want, etc. The studies do show that while reviewing the day’s learning can be useful, a lot of assigned homework really acts more like busywork

Imagining them acting like real people is just too impossible. It’s easier to imagine something like a tree clapping alone. It’s not like the Obamas where it’s clear the fondness and intimacy is real.

Kid is Black, at least. But yeah, nothing in the NBC article linked about his consequences, if any.

American police formed from literal lynch mobs/slave patrols becoming organized. So naturally, you can’t take a group that’s all about power and instilling fear to control others and expect it to be morphed into something benevolent and providing actual justice.

I’m in Texas. I think everyone already knows mine, seeing as they have a tendency to get themselves in international news regularly. D;

The women all feeling uncomfortable with Biden’s overly-friendliness have made it clear they didn’t think it was in any way intended to be sexual. So that’s probably why. It’s more acceptable to touch strangers without permission if it’s not intended to give yourself a boner, apparently. -__-

To be fair, stand your ground laws have so far only been okay for white men to use as a defense. So women aren't allowed to defend their bodies or their homes from unwanted Invaders.

They were discussing this on MSNBC today and if his “I have a Black friend (his POC relatives) as my token” is a rebut against him being racist, then Tlaib can argue she can’t be racist if she has any white friends.

My failed relationships taught me valuable lessons, even if they’re ones I’d rather not have learned - like why you shouldn’t ignore those first yellow and red flags, or what it’s like to be gaslit by someone you loved. If I’d have married my first serious partner (which lasted almost five years), I’d have been

Medical debt in the U.S. is the most commonly-cited reason for filing bankruptcy. (Although, if you could file bankruptcy for student loans, they’d probably be in competition.) It can depend on where you live and your employer because of what options are available to you. You have to be a full-time employee to get

Sorry, this was years ago and on tv if I recall.

Years ago, I was watching a mastectomy of a transman. The before photo of the nipple was censored but the post-surgery nipple was not. It was the exact same nipple, but less breast tissue and fat behind it, and suddenly it was acceptable to show on TV. -__-

The irony is that phrase was originally stated as a joke about how it’s something absurd/impossible to actually do. Yet, somehow it got taken into a serious message of “do it all yourself.”

There’s some stupid ass site that claims false rape allegations are up to 50% because they included all the “insufficient evidence found” and cases where women decided to retract the charges as proof of it being false. The result is a LOT of men using that site as “evidence” of how they’re the real victims.

On a very semi-related note, did you see the news that Russian TV was defending Trump’s penis from Stormy Daniels? :gonk: No collusion, but the Russians just *really care* about Trump dick.

I am pretty sure I’ve posted this link well over 100 times this week already in response to all the people claiming this “false rape allegations is srs biznes” nonsense: