
Every month is 12 or 13 snacks and candies from a different country. So I look forward to getting to try stuff I otherwise wouldn't.

I thought about getting a beauty box and was looking at the ones recommended in the comments. Then I decided to google if someone else had listed reviews and ended up at a site showing a lot of different box subscription options. I clicked the word "food" and ended up looking at snacks. Then I decided to google

Here's the original, although, supposedly it's the royal blue one. So that's quite the overexposure or saturation to make it white and goldish from that dark of blue and black.

I'm not diabetic, but thanks to my gastric bypass, I might as well be. I can eat a cheeseburger just fine because the protein balances out the carbs in the bun. However, since I tend to sip soda for a few hours, I can end up hypoglycemic. So diet soda is safer for me (and for anyone else on the road if I'm driving

I worked at an elementary school last year. Sometimes, I'd volunteer in the cafeteria during lunchtime (mostly to watch students who might be referred for counseling). I had to help stab so many bags and clean up so many milk messes from the kids stabbing too hard. D:

Lol, our black lab pup once brought home a cow thigh bone. It was easily thrice the size of her and we never did figure out where she got it from. And yeah, the dogs always come home when they're ready. It's gotten to the point that if a lab is running around the area, it's assumed ours and we find random labs

Lol, I don't about S.TX, but my parents live in the central part and it gets pretty damn cold in winter. I remember having to keep bottles of water in the bathroom for winters when the pipes would freeze. D; My parents' dogs have 2 acres to run around on, but they still like to escape the yard and run along the

Can I borrow her for when I do hikes? XD
I don't know how my dog would handle true cold weather, since California never sees below 40s.

My lab has no endurance, either. We go for a walk around the block, he's done halfway through. Which is a shame, because partly why I wanted a bigger dog was to be my walking companion. I still adore him, but when I want to try to do three miles, I have to go it alone.

Both Meyers and James refuse to listen to any sort of criticism, however. Meyers actually has her brother go through her messages and delete any that might criticize her. =/ So they're both pretty petty in that sense.

I have high-waisted jeans that are pretty baggy. I didn't know I was on the forefront of fashion when I was buying stuff off Hot Topic for cheap.

Dude, didn't you read that the author had just finished their B.S. and was heading into pharmacy school in the fall?

Oh, yeah, milk by itself tastes terrible. Once in a while if I'm craving strawberry milk, I'll make some. But usually, its sole purpose is to go with my apple cinnamon cheerios or into my pasta dishes.

Do they have the option for a tarantula. Seeing as my ex is a major arachnophobe (and commitment-phobe, apparently), it's clearly the perfect gift.

He's offended. Nevermind.

Jesus was a man and so were all his disciples, therefore women cannot be bishops. One, that doesn't logics. Two, have they ever agreed on why Mary of Magdalene was allowed to follow him around if she was just a "whore" and he was so pure/above temptation.

It's worth the suffering. <3 At least for me. Hear that, Stomach? I refuse to give up my ice cream, no matter how much you curse me! D=<

Peanut butter plus Speculoos cookie butter is AMAZEBALLS together. So now I'm going to have to buy both ice creams and mash them together. D;

Place in La Habra, CA called G Burger. The one time that even a reheated turkey burger is actually delicious.

For chain burgers, I get InNOut in California. I can't do Five Guys since peanut oil makes me sick. In Texas, it's Whataburger. Anywhere else, I'll settle for Sonic.

Damn it, he stole my breakfast.