
Married, missionary, nightgown only lifted the minimum necessary for the man to access; and she's holding her rosary, praying to God that it makes a baby.

You know, I have honestly never gotten the "smile" comment from men. I've gotten almost everything else but that.

I would be perfectly fine with it there, too, as I'm only a 15 minute drive away.

Sounds like the perfect excuse for a Jezebel meetup.

Pah, I'm in Orange County. It needs to be out here. Someone mentioned South Coast Plaza would be a good location.

I don't look at the men in the cars catcalling me before I flip them off, so I have no idea if they're hot or ugly.

Okay, I live here. I MUST know where it's located when it opens just to go check it out. D;

Yeah, "fuck" is pretty much the feeling the next morning after having sex with my ex, too. Mostly because he was still in love with me, and I never felt that way for him. Instead, I'm in love with another guy who dumped me after two years because he decided he didn't love me. Yay for real life romance, which has no

Add in the people who are on methadone under doctor care as a means of weaning off heroin, and then get pregnant. Due to the risk of withdrawal, the doctors do not want them quitting cold turkey, but if they continue taking methadone, they can get charged with child endangerment, as well. It's really a no-win

I've never been with someone who qualified for having a micropenis. But I was with one guy where it really was hard not to ask "is it in yet?" I honestly could not feel a thing, at all, while he's happily humping away. D;

My sewing bag has disappeared on me. It's driving me insane, because of course once I lost it, all my clothes started getting noticeable tears and losing buttons. D;

I should buy a sewing machine eventually. Harder to lose those, I would hope.

Squash is the only fruit I'll bake. :3 But yeah, fruits are better towards the raw end.

See, I absolutely hate the taste of baked apple. Not quite as disgusting as bananas, but definitely higher on the list. Adding cinnamon to apple products makes it worse, for me.

If your golden is anything like my lab, the real danger is that tail to the entire world. D:

I used to live in a trailer in El Monte, CA, so when I had men trying to forcibly enter it while laughing and talking, I was terrified. Another time, my ex and I were woken by someone drunk trying to enter our place but his key wasn't working. I cannot imagine how much worse it would be to wake up to someone *inside*

I went through that stage in my teen years. Except from a nerdy aspect. I was the nerdy-cool girl. Or something. Anyway, I didn't date, but most of my male friends were into me for that reason. Although, when I'm feeling insecure around new people, there is still a tendency towards slipping into behaviors that would

If those messages are only common to hot people, then I clearly need to go try out for America's Next Top Model.

In what world is Ren & Stimpy better than Avatar/Korra? 0.O Guy is delusional.

In those time periods, due to the extreme sexism, it's pretty much nigh impossible to tease out who crossdressed in order to gain the male privilege and who did so because of the neurological components that result in a male brain in a female body. We would pretty much need a time machine and check it out ourselves.

I still keep believing in love. Now that's crazy.