
I've had plenty of bad sex with partners who put their own desires first or just didn't care. But it's weird that I actually had the one who I honestly wanted to ask "is it in yet?" He was happily humping away and I never could feel a thing...

If she does, *I'll* take her. >.> And I'm straight.

I got a concussion from wii baseball before. I would probably manage to be the one hit by a falling shark.

Sure, a waterspout could pick up a shark or two. But I'm pretty sure they'd be too disoriented/dead to successfully eat people.

XD Yeah, I guess that would make my friends and sister pretty ugly/creepy/something if the dolls are preferring to watch the wall...

I collected dolls that look like women, not children. But whenever I had friends or my sister would sleep in my room, I'd find them all facing the wall the next morning.

I'll take a sangria. Albeit, iocaine-free.

You wouldn't want a Mytwinn.com doll, would you?

Let's watch it together. I also annoy people by quoting along.

Wait, he doesn't want anyone who likes Princess Bride? This is inconceivable!

Although, my being geeky and the coach purse my mother gave me would also make me undesirable to him.

I'm from Texas. I know the heat. But it was what I used. When I'm in others' cars, I tend to just push it under my arm. Less safe, I know, but meh.

I'd like to see more stores carrying clotrimazole yeast infection creams. I hate when I have to run into three or four to find one carrying it. I'm allergic to miconazole and tioconazole doesn't seem to work. D;

I tried Mirena. I had 15-day periods every two months with breakthrough bleeding between. And body acne, which I'd never had before or since. *twitch*

That is why I wore men's cargo pants in high school. I didn't want to carry a purse at the time. I could have my wallet, keys, chapstick, etc. in the waist pockets. In the left leg pocket was my soda. In the right leg pocket was the current paperback I was reading.

I always just sew in those little snap buttons on shirts where I have the gap problem.

I'm not a huge fan of the Myer-Briggs myself. But yeah, they look for the ones who rate higher on extroversion and shit.

I read the Twilight series and hated it. But I can't bring myself to read the 50 Shades fanfic of it. Just reading the reviews by Jenny Trout was bad enough, and she made it bearable by being so awesome and hilarious: http://jennytrout.com/?page_id=5720

My father works for Southwest, so I've flown them frequently since I was 11 or 12. There is a reason they were also the only airline who didn't lay off any employees after 9/11 ruined so many other airlines. Although, most staff with SWA are great, there are some exceptions. I do find the people in Las Vegas to be