
I'm also with Kirov. I was forced into unwanted sexual activity by my ex. The trauma of his cheating was worse for me than the vaginal rape. Although, the anal is something I definitely don't ever want to repeat.

I'm pretty sure this is bringing distress to others. >.<;;

Not a particular one, but we might be able to make a case for sadomasochistic behaviors.

I don't mind Baja Fresh, but I'd rather have Freebirds.

Five Guys makes their fries in peanut oil. )= This makes my entire digestive tract sad and angry.

Cats are pure carnivores, but dogs are omnivores like us. That's why you can't feed them each other's food.

Cats are pure carnivores, but dogs are omnivores like us. That's why you can't feed them each other's food.

I don't get how that occurs. I remember to shave as soon as the hair gets long enough to start getting trapped in my clothes and pulling. D;

I've never had the chicken pox or the varicella vaccine. With the outbreak recently, I tried looking to paying out of pocket for them. $150 for the two shots at the county health department for adults. Most only offer reduced rates for kids. .__.

She could also list her skills at being such a good friend that so many women want her to be there for them.

I just got broken up with less than two weeks ago. I'm not ready to date yet, but I wanna take the MENSA test for a $1. :gonk:

Drunk people survive accidents better, in general.

This is why I have an Elsa/GoT mashup shirt. =D Winter is coming.

Dude, nah. Taco Cabana ain't got shit on Picadillo's in my hometown.

The complaining is petty, but I can understand why there is some issue for vegans and vegetarians. If you go years without eating meat, you actually become intolerant of it, so it makes you seriously ill. I found out I was intolerant to peanut oil while in China, and that ended up being a month of hell. So I can

I just looked that up. I'm almost tempted to stop skipping periods on my pills just for these packages. XD

I remember the date of mine as February 17th, 1998. I was 11 years old and sitting in class in the 6th grade. I felt this cramping pain and extreme wetness, but lunch was going to be in twenty minutes, so I didn't ask to use the restroom. Went to the bathroom at lunch break to find my panties full of brown stuff and

As a kid, it had to be well-done with barbeque sauce. As an adult, medium-well. Then I had the gastric bypass, and I want it as bloody as possible. D;

Sounds exactly like mine, only I apparently pulled her whiskers.

I was also attacked by a female springer spaniel as a tot.