
I was snapped at and bitten by a dog as a toddler. I still have the scar for it. The breed, though? Springer spaniel.

I love wearing corsets. And I own a training corset. But there is no way in hell I would wear it for more than eight hours a day.

You can teach them to use condoms and whatnot, sure. But that's different from the brain being able to comprehend long-term consequences. Little kids do still wet themselves because the immediate fun experience is more of interest until they can't hold it any longer, which then becomes the immediate concern. Risk of

I can see 'making love' for foreplay, but yeah... I'm not sure where there is much love making in humping. D;

What is being pointed out is not that sex is like criminal activity, but that developing adolescents have very different mindsets than adults, which is why their ability to consent is considered differently, same as when they are charged with crimes. Few states prosecute willing sexual activity between peers because

Watch the women who are charged with these crimes. Almost without fail, they are emotionally immature. They might be physically 30, but they're mentally 15.

We put more emphasis on physical maturity than emotional, I think, is a big part of it.

Either this case happens a lot, or you're from Texas, too. We had a senior in high school dating the band teacher when my sister was in high school. Band teacher was married, divorced the wife for her. And her parents approved. .__.

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

I honestly don't see a problem in being eaten for survival if I'm already dead. Although, I guess I wouldn't want my dog getting worms or worse from me. D;

So to deal with my ex-boyfriend emotionally abusing me, I should have married him and had his kids according to these people. Because that totally wouldn't have made it worse with added stress to his drinking, at all. *twitch*

To be honest, I am uncomfortable with getting blood on my hands. I hate tampons for that reason, as well. But it has more to do with how I hate getting anything sticky or slimy on my hands more than a specific dislike for my vagina.

I have a few friends who are disturbed by the idea of touching themselves. It's sad, really.

Comedian exaggerating stereotypes hardly proves whatever the hell you're trying to prove to me.

So, let me get this straight. You can't control yourself because you have a penis. I can control myself because I don't. However, I have to actually control myself to protect you from yourself?

I was looking like crazy for that article the other day. Can you link it?

How is this on the ladies?

I will dress like a professional when I need to, such as when acting as one. When I'm at my practicums as a counselor, I dress as a counselor. I know how to. However, professional clothes are not comfortable, especially the goddamn shoes. So when I have to be in classes from 9am to almost 8pm, I'm going to wear what's

I hate when my mother makes menudo because the house smells terrible. However, I definitely enjoy my pork cheek and other weird meats found in Asian food.