I think in a way, they do get a lot more fluidity options in their gender identification because of the unique way their brains develop.
I think in a way, they do get a lot more fluidity options in their gender identification because of the unique way their brains develop.
How the hell are they trying two 12-year olds as adults? My understanding of the law in most states is you must be at least 14 and commit a serious crime to even be considered for being tried as an adult. I certainly hope if/when they are found guilty, their appeals involves this. o.O
Getting sent home from school seems far more disruptive than seeing a bit of elastic on the shoulder. Although, the obsession with any skin on girls showing is why my high school wardrobe consisted of the entirely fashionable oversized t-shirt and men's cargo pants.
I had a natural gift in the kitchen, so I've never made bad food. Worst I ever got was that it was 'okay'. Of course, that's now my roommate's way of complimenting me. XD
I got one for Christmas two years ago. I'm 27 years old.
I baked my first cake by myself at age 9. It tasted great, but certainly wasn't pretty. D;
I discovered the link when I was 12. But I refuse to learn from it. *still gassy from eating sour cream and cheese on my tacos yesterday*
I didn't say that all small breasted women have complexes. I am sorry that you took it personally when I specified that it was small women WITH complexes, not that all small women have complexes. Although, in all honesty, most women do have complexes about their breasts, regardless of size. We're all taught our…
I have this theory that the bra conspiracy is ran by small-breasted women who have complexes about it. Because why else would they make it so hard to find bras larger than a certain size that look attractive to anyone under the age of 80? D;
Or even those of us who have successfully lost weight but now have the loose skin to cope with. D: It will take a more confident person than I will ever be to wear a bikini with a stomach that has a smile from the skin overlapping...
That's great. ^_^
Yes, it was. XD My father taught him the Andy Griffith tune. Or parts of it. Kupo (his name) can't keep it all straight. But he tries.
I stuck my father's wedding ring in the VCR. It wasn't found for a few years. XD
Cats shouldn't be roaming outside, honestly, since they do so much damage to the ecosystem. And they may bury their poop, but when their choice of toilet is often children's sandboxes and play areas, they're a health risk.
Apparently, when the owner dies, cats will start eating the body a lot sooner than dogs will.
I have a cockatiel, so he can't talk as much as this one. But he loves to do his birdy chatter to me, wolf whistle, and demand kisses as well. :3 He's small, but fierce enough that my black lab is terrified of him. XD Of course, he can't cause harm and will interact with people once he trusts them.
I'm a dog person studying for a doctorate. I find him the perfect companion because I am extroverted, but also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. So I get cuddles from him on my terms AND he acts as a buffer in social interactions - allowing me to be social like I need, but in a way that feels safe.
Export the entire family to another country. Because as long as she stays there, she will be held under threat of death.
I know how that is. There's an adorable cockatiel at the Petsmart I buy my dog's food at. But I already have a dog, another cockatiel, and a snake. And I live in an apartment.