
I have a friend who used to model leather and naughty whatnots as a size 18 woman for a small company. The company originally had a thin model, but was not having much success. My friend came in and pointed out that a larger woman will not be able to tell if clothing on a thin girl will also look good on her, but a

The video amused me when I watched, but it was slightly off on facts. Engagement rings themselves are not a new concept. They were a physical sign of a verbal contract, so that if the contract was broken, women didn't come out with nothing. But the traditional jewelry used sapphires or rubies, rather than diamonds -

I grew up with my father doing the majority of the cooking and housework. This especially became the case once my mother's knee was damaged in a work-related incident, so that it hurt her to stand for more than short periods. My boyfriend now has a much higher standard for cleanliness than I do. I love to cook and am

From this Photoshop edits, just show shoulders, any tattoos, and short hair will probably be the most effective.

Mine had us do the same, but they didn't come in different sizes, which made it very uncomfortable for all the bigger girls. D; I hated walking from the bathroom to the room where they were taking the picture with my back and stomach fat all exposed. :cries:

Probably not, but if you had friends and family also telling you that the hate you're expending seems ridiculous, and maybe you should consider therapy to deal with it, then one would hope that would be a sign that maybe something else is up.

My boyfriend's parents planned to name him Walter up until he was born. So when he came home from the hospital, everyone asked to see Walter. Instead, they decided very last minute on Lewis Edward.

That makes me wonder about a few kids I knew growing up now. I wonder what happened to Skye Blue, Unique Flowers, and Starlight.

There are apparently about 28 million of us in the U.S. =D

I was wondering if anyone else would remember Sailor Venus' name. Although, it's actually short for Minako.

That sucks. My ex's father wanted my ex named after him, William. His mother refused, but said, "I'll give you the W." They never agreed on a W name, so now his name is W. Yep, a single letter.

Most of us mid-November babies were. XD I like telling my mother "I wouldn't have been born if you could have afforded a real Valentine's Day gift."

My grandmother wanted to name my uncle Jesse James when she was pregnant with him. She wasn't sure why everyone kept laughing when she told them that. She settled for Jesse Dean.

My grandmother's stage name as a singer and dancer in Mexico was Ruby Lane. So her daughter was named Ruby Diane for it. (My aunt, not my mother.)

My name is Jennifer. My parents don't remember what they really would have named me if I had been a boy, but there was always a joke that I would be named Eric. And if I had been born both/neither, I could have been Jen-Eric (Generic).

I'm drinking a pepsi one right now while reading this, with sucralose/splenda. I love my vegetables but hate most fruits *because* they are too sweet for me. Although, I actually had a severe craving for strawberries the last couple weeks, resulting in feeding everyone else strawberry tarts, strawberries dipped in

For those less stupid than Bikderider, I was referring specifically to the people who blame others for their virginity, not those who choose to remain virgins for ideological reasons.

Seriously, you need to go fuck yourself instead. With a cactus. Because I do not have a problem with people choosing to remain virgins. You are the one in need of counseling with your issues. You don't get to project your self-hate onto the world.