Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez was one of three players elected into the baseball Hall of Fame this afternoon. Since-already…
Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez was one of three players elected into the baseball Hall of Fame this afternoon. Since-already…
A good class and Edgar Martinez made a 15% jump, boding well for next year and beyond. I’m down with it. (Michael Schur made the point this week on his podcast with Joe Posnanski that Martinez might already be in if he was a middling 3B with those hitting numbers; the DH prejudice continues.)
You only stay on the ballot for 10 years, Big Mac’s time is up.
Glad those three got in.
This - Pudge is a much better talent than Posada and a lot of media types can’t be bothered to look at two catchers. That said, Tom’s point about the crowded ballot is probably also a factor. We may see more of this in the coming years, unless they open the ballot up to more than 10 votes.
“to help launch our brand into the market...”
Your gonna sit there at your MacBook Air and question an elite program you’ve never had you’re hands in the dirt I bet you dont know what it takes to make the pack 12 champs
When I looked upon the chair
It relieves the offender from further consequences of his or her conviction (e.g., loss of the right to vote or hold public office). However, a pardon does not do away with the fact that a court found that person guilty of a crime.
At least they fucking remembered their own God damn color scheme being POWDER BLUE.
Woo! It’s today’s guide for antenna users! Nothing too major this time around, aside from the usual. All time zones are Eastern. Not all channels are available in all areas. I also suggest checking your local MyNetworkTV and PBS listings.
It’s not even dependent upon the big bang theory specifically. Unless you believe in straight-up creationism, there’s no other place from which all the atoms on Earth could come from.
Where else could our atoms have possibly come from? Assuming the Big Bang Theory is correct, it is the only place that atoms larger than hydrogen could have come from. We have not observed any other place for heavier elements to come from.
“All too often, our flesh cocoons can feel like vessels of anxiety and existential dread.”
(Hoping someone bumps me out of the greys for this one). The inventors of Bloxels beta tested this product with my students last year before they were bought up by the big toy company. (I live in St. Louis). It is an AMAZING product, and the level of engagement my students had with it was exceptionally high. I…
(Hoping someone bumps me out of the greys for this one). The inventors of Bloxels beta tested this product with my…
Grayson’s just a thug with anger management issues.
Really, that Opie dead eyed piece of shit?
Prince makes anything he touches cool. Including the Prowler.
Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.
When you arbitrarily take away enough Hillary votes, she loses!