White People are sick...Period
White People are sick...Period
Dat ass.
Hello folks, welcome to fat activism 101, where obese people can speak their mind, and then several thousand fat haters (usually the same people on similar threads) spew their venom at the fat people, telling them how offensive they are, how they must smell, how they're invading "their space", and how they need to…
It makes me sad to see all the comments below, 'splainin' to Lindy how she should have actually behaved. (Hey, guys, I'm pretty sure that since Lindy was there and we were not, she's the only expert we've got on this story.) It seems to me that you—like so many others—have subscribed to this idea that fat people need…
It makes me sad that someone's take-away from "The Diary of Anne Frank" was that it was pornographic. Ugh.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH thank you so much for writing this! I completely agree with you that small people are assholes to the larger ones on planes.
The Diary of Anne Frank is pornographic??? Devastating? World-rending? A really, really tough read as you are forced, through the eyes of a young girl who hoped for so much and was only known by those hopes, miraculously recorded by her and miraculously recovered and published by her father, who lost his ENTIRE family…
I would take 20 flights crammed between two overweight passengers than one flight next to children. People are completely ignorant of how much their kids just fuck up everyone's flight because ohhhh they have kids and surely you will too someday and then you will understand this self righteousness. My simple solution:…
I agree with absolutely all of this, except for this:
When I was interviewed by a company that sells airline tickets online, I suggested that they 1) list the actual price of the ticket, including taxes, checkin fees, price of meals, price to use the bathroom etc. and 2) allow people to search by seat width. They said they tried it and this did not cause them to sell…
Somehow, I think that the 'etiquette police' are simply using this as an excuse to fat shame. Oh, he got angry after you already apologized? THEN YOU DIDN'T DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, GOD LINDY WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?
No matter how polite we fat people are, or if we have the temerity to act like a "Normal" person, it will…
Making fun of overweight people (or just being a passive aggressive dick about it) really is one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination today. I went to my daughter's Christmas show and they sang a song about Santa being much too fat and how he breaks chairs and breaks beds and has to go on a diet. And at…
Wow, after reading the comments it's like the guy on the plane is everyone here who is like "YOU'RE PROJECTING SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU DESERVED IT."
This guy's behavior was not normal. He felt justified in abusing someone he considered beneath him, for just existing, and did it deliberately if passive…
Not to sound like a jerk, but I'm not sure what your perceived conventional attractiveness has to do with the rest of your story.
That broke my heart, Lindy, because I've been through the same thing so many times. Thank you for articulating the situation so perfectly.
LINDY. I am a fat person who is awaiting her connecting flight right now! It's like you wrote this for me! Man, am I ever sorry you encountered an asshole—so far I have not, but I live in fear of the day a flight attendant sneers when I request an extender (sometimes I do not, because I am stressed and can't cope, and…
It would be nice if we did change our minds about fat people. It turns out, subcutaneous fat isn't even dangerous and is in fact associated with longevity. It's fat in the liver that contributes to insulin resistance and diabetes. It's a shame that what people see physically is moralized so much.
Animating women and girls is so hard.
Yzma is the best Disney villain - nay, CHARACTER - of all time. There, I said it.