
You get a cookie...which is unfortunately flavored with bitterness and institutionalized inequality.

I was waiting for the kindness shamers to show up.

What is wrong with you?! Do you think you're being inspirational by mocking the lack of clothing sizes fat people have? Do you think we're going to be motivated to become a fit jerk who is too ignorant to know their commentary is not welcome in fat activist spaces. I just will never understand you people, it's like

Not nearly as bad as being a troll that goes into articles about issues concerning plus-size people, do durr hurr hurr with a tasteless fat joke!

Gee your right, there are just sssssooooo many other plus size stores out there with affordable and fashionable plus-size clothing. Oh wait, there isn't.

Says the likely to be thin person who wouldn't know what not having clothing catered just for their body type is like.

It's a bone of contention because skinny minnies pay less for clothing than fat people, that fashion designers care more about cloth, a thing, than fat customers. That not everyone can shell out $50 for the exact same item made for thin girls in their size. Maybe if they love their cloth so much, they could make more

Wasn't underbutt a thing in the early 90's?

edible wood

You know Divine would be all up in this.

Is this some sick joke of yours equating Bronies with pedophiles? If so it's not funny.

What's that gif from?

Where was pedophilia a part of this discussion?

Oh no, pedophiles are going to be denied child sexualization in a game! Really, do you know it's wrong to be attracted to children Kotaku?

Homophobia isn't cool.

Osaka's voice would've been perfect!

Food policing, and prejudice towards fat people. Stay home if even a fat person eating a salad gives you reason to talk disparagingly about them. You are why fat people fear eating in public.

Or that in today's society, looking the wrong way at a parent who's child just puked puts you at risk of all kinds of colorful histrionics from them.

He's like Chris-Chan holding a girlfriend-free boyfriend sign in a mall.