I couldn't agree more!
I couldn't agree more!
The crybabies who demand fat people should pay twice for a flight, should have to pay for two seats. Who would want to sit next to an adult baby?
stop. hating. fat. people. it. just. makes. you. seem. like. a. complete. monster.
"Now that I'm one of the thin privileged, I'm going to tear down fat people because I can be the bully now!"
I guess you were able to decide to have thin genes before you were born. No? Well fat people didn't get to choose the genes that cause them to have a larger body. It's 1940's science that links being fat with overeating. You're behind the times!
You can advocate for yourself, without being cruel. You should try it sometime.
About time we had a "I'm going to give you advice on how not to be fat you didn't ask for. And I'll act confused and upset when you refuse it, because like a small child I can't tell when it is and isn't appropriate to offer help."
It's good to hear there are still parents that understand saying sorry, is better than snapping around and terrifying the daylights out of someone for looking at your kids the wrong way.
Your statement comes across as "All Americans should avoid becoming tan or appearing to have darker skin as much as possible."
Amen! Parents also are cruel to people who have sound sensitivity, even when you try to explain it to them they'll yell you must hate children, or hiss that you're not a parent and know nothing. Parents treat other adults in ways they would never want someone to treat their child. They'll intimidate you for even…
Correlation is not causation.
Not everyone who is fat is that way because they don't "control themselves". Not every thin person is thin because they "control themselves". Believing you know anything about what a person eats, or how much they exercise based on the size of their body is simply prejudice.
It's not just Tumblr, it's the internet in general. At least the social communities.
My thoughts exactly.
Anyone else think she looks like Marilyn Manson?
I think instead of saying zero sympathy, you should be saying zero empathy.
Yup outspoken fat people must need therapy, so they can remember where their place is. *~*sarcasm*~*
Wow you must really have some strong internalized fat hatred to suggest that you and those like you must suffer even more humiliation at the airport! Perhaps you should try to keep the self hatred you have about being fat to yourself.
MRAs came here to cry?
Well you know the fairy tales of Christianity are okay, but not stories about real people and real life.