She looks like Tinker Bell! I'm such a 10 year old in a woman's body, lol! Hope that didn't sound too weird.
She looks like Tinker Bell! I'm such a 10 year old in a woman's body, lol! Hope that didn't sound too weird.
It's not new that thin people will be heard before fat people when it comes to topics of fat discrimination.
This reminds me of being harassed by men in school, and reporting it only to hear "Boys will be boys!" and have it ignored.
Dear God, have people already started forgetting The Simpsons?!
Same here.
It took you this long?
You're the one living in a fantasy world, where you're the pastor at the Church of Thinness. Please, stop trying to project your departure from reality on to others.
"They're killing themselves by being obese!" Dicywoods cried to the sky. "Why, why are the fat people able to love themselves, THEY'RE DDDDYYYYIIINNGGG!" she screamed. It wasn't long before she had to go back inside after her prayer.
"I don't know how to think by myself, so I'll just insult everyone! Wwwwhheeeee! Mommy wow! I'm a big boy internet troll now!"
Hate makes even the most beautiful ugly.
Only if you agree to use the agreed upon tactic to feel better about looking like a walking skeleton. Oh, don't like being body shamed the way you shame others?
I recently decided to watch Britney's concerts on Amazon Instant Viewing or Netflix, I forget which one. I was so impressed I really felt bad I had shunned her as a Goth teen because you know, it's kind of what Goth teens do. She actually really kicks ass!
You're ssssoooo persecuted by fat people telling you to respect their feelings, aren't you. "WWWAAAHHH! BUT I WANT TO TELL FAT PEOPLE HOW UNHEALTHY I THINK THEY ARE!" Doing that is wrong, not realizing or insisting it does something other than further ignorance and prejudice against fat people, makes you appear to…
Blue was so sweet I was crying in that, "IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!" kind of way.
Thin people can comfort themselves in knowing virtually the entire nation finds them beautiful.
There is hope! There are thin people who understand!
Guess they must know their place beneath white people.
Looks like all the thin and privileged people came to cry because one person made beauty about someone other than them. One person out of the thousands who cater to thin people with fashionable clothes, and general social acceptance says thinness isn't everything about beauty, and they all have a meltdown.
Sexy guy on guy kissing, where?