The cheap $5 dollar theater is a pretty great deal. Even if you buy the crazy expensive drinks and popcorn it still costs almost the same as ONE ticket here at the good theaters.
The cheap $5 dollar theater is a pretty great deal. Even if you buy the crazy expensive drinks and popcorn it still costs almost the same as ONE ticket here at the good theaters.
What are you confused about?
Go to the Whitney when it opens to avoid lines. Then, grab some awesome (and relatively reasonably priced) seafood at the Lobster Place in Chelsea Market. Afterwards, walk the High Line, but don’t go nuts because it’s pretty crowded and kind of one note (but what a note!).
Yeah, that is one of the more unbelievably fucked up parts.
Chow Chow is easily a top 5 condiment for me
Aaaand we’re officially at precious bodily fluids level of crazy....
Nice earrings. Bear’s like, “Oooo I’m fancy!”
Gee whiz, where is this guy’s dedication to footbaw.
Warning, such a diet is known to cause severe balance and pain response issues, you will tip over at the slightest brush from another person and writhe in pain on the ground for an inordinate amount of time until someone blows a whistle for you.
Thrillist management was reportedly...
A 5-second violation is for in-bounding the ball and the ball was in-bounded. Next time understand the rules before you try to put blame on the refs/commissioner.
We’re going to touch down at 4:00 in the fucking morning. So be it. We’ll be ready for their ass. But you ain’t got to tell them we’re coming.
Criterion partnered up with Turner Classic Movies
Adrián González tried to run on Jason Heyward in the second inning tonight. Heyward’s throw took a hop, and barely…
This is awful. But if anyone can come back from this, it’s this guy.
It was not a particularly thrilling game, occasionally a sloppy one, but that doesn’t mean the Super Bowl wasn’t…
Grammatical faux pas.
Grammatical errors. Grammar mistakes.
There is almost never a good reason to hit “reply all.” Especially not when “all” includes a listserv that goes out…