
Hi! Jorts/Shants Enthusiast Kevin Smith here.

Shenmue 3: The Search for More Money

Well. Now Valve just needs to announce Half-Life 3, and we'll finally have the final sign of the apocalypse.

#beforerings It was just called a scissored armbar

Give Seattle credit. As the defending champion heel, they tried to get DQ'd at the end and keep the title belt. Flair would be proud.

They *are* acting like adults and quoting the report verbatim.

this raises an interesting question, really...does bankruptcy exempt a company from obligations to customers who have outstanding preorders/otherwise unfulfilled purchases with them? Or are consumers protected somehow? (In the US, specifically, but it'd be interesting to hear what it's like around the world as well)

I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the victim here, but come on. He was both a football player and a political scion? It's like he was asking to be a rapist.

Tots are not fries and you are the worst person the world has ever known.

were arrested on public intimidation charges

You mean like every day in South Florida for 7 months out of the year? lol

Man. Between this and Sochi, the IOC must really hate fags.

Jesus Christ, Michael. Keep your brother on a leash!

It's for this very same reason that Michael Jordan is accused in thousands of crimes every year.