Thank you for sharing, I'm so happy for you.
Thank you for sharing, I'm so happy for you.
Sadly more and more all that extra quality and charm is viewed as wasted effort as many animation studios, both western and eastern, continue their slow shift towards low budget/high gains animation styles. Of course when there are few options to the contrary how else are we to support anything but shitty animation…
Tabula Rasa was a great game. It's only fault was not being enough like other MMOs.
I have little faith the US market can quickly be expanded into something more diverse. I believe that the dominance of safe, mass marketable, AAA titles has dealt a serious blow to our ability to accept styles or genres which are different. I believe that American game "journalism" has helped (willingly or otherwise)…
And bloating the market with the same shit over and over is any better how? Diversity is key to a market's long term survival. It's not enough to simply pander to a single, giant demographic. You need to be able to identify existing demographics and expand and cultivate them. Not every one will turn into something…
Educated guess can only get you so far. The only real way to know if something won't sell is to sell it. One of the things that is so broken with the current gen is the lack of risks and exploration man publishers are willing to make. It's lead to a market dominated by overly polished and bland titles that sell very…
I would love to see those games too but not bringing this game over won't increase the likely hood that any other title will.
There really aren't any Miku titles in the west. You can't say they preform poorly when they don't even make an attempt to sell them at all. Miku Hatsune has a very dedicated following in the west and unlike the American Idol crowd I think it has a much higher percentage of gamers in it's make up.
All Japanese games are school girl rape sims or giant robot games with shitty controls. It's common knowledge.... if you're a moron.
Yeah instead lets get some more of those bloody, murder sims where you go around and head shot people! It's our vice and that makes it superior and also not a vice!
EA gets more control of the products with lets them make more money (somehow) which lets them put even more money into over bloated development budgets for even more generic and bland titles that the general gaming market eats up. It's exactly why I don't buy EA games. There is nothing they produce, develop or do as a…
Right? Along those same lines, I love this prude "I'm too old and mature to like this sort of thing" atmosphere that has taken over the western gaming industry. For that reason I fear it won't be well received since the western market seems to be all about super serious soldiers acting super serious in super serious…
I would play the shit out of that game.
Ok that looks like fun.
Snow is so fake, bra. Deserts are the shits because they're, like, all brown and shit and the real world is covered in brown.
And I'll form the head!
See, that makes sense. I mean, it's kind of sad that's how it is, but that makes sense. Thank you for explaining that.
Amen to that.
Actually the only way it will stop is when people stop supporting these products. Complaints and only go so far when you continue to support companies with your long term patronage.
You know he's written more then Ender's Game, right? I'm not familial with a lot of his work but from what I know that friends have read many of his works, particularly his more recent works, have incorporated his message of hate into them. And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the quality of his work. Do his…