
For the record, I am an outspoken critic of the raise of to dominance of the generic, modern military shooter. I tend to wear my bias on my sleeves. I don't dislike a game based on the fact that it's a shooter alone, however, as I enjoy such games as Just Cause 2, Bioshock and Vanquish (to name a few). My issue with

Well that's because all anime fans are simple minded nerds and losers while people who avatars that are flags or prominent historical figures are some how more complex and deep and we could never understand them just by looking at their avatars and to even make a guess based on their avatar and the context of their

The difference is when you buy a car you don't intend to use it to defend yourself from an attack by killing someone with it. When you buy a gun it only has one use: To kill. MAybe if MoH didn't do such a fine job of trivializing violence it would be different, like if the games had a clear message about the true cost

I made no claims that he was racist. I did imply he might be a gun nut but nothing beyond that.

I was close.

Right, because as we all know all avatars are picked while blindfolded and are in no way shape or form a reflection of ourselves.

Nothing it's a free country.

You like waffles.

I love how they're also trying to make everyone who complained sound like some monsters. I mean the producer practically said "Oh those cruel, cruel liberals! Thanks to their insipid moaning and bitching many veterans and their families will go with out a new pair of shoes this fall and it's all their fault! Why do

I mean Activision hired Oliver North to promote their new shooter. It would seem that the game industry has a very vivid image of who plays their shooters. At lest their games have a player base, I guess. Half of the games that I like don't even get made anymore while the other have never see the light of day in the

Judging by your avatar I take it you're a fan of the guns and the 2nd amendment. However a beautiful part of that other, more inconvenient 1st amendment gives us the right to bitch and moan to our hearts content. It gives people the right to decide, for themselves, what is an isn't significant. Just like it gives EA

So I guess this gives us more of an idea of how in bed at least one of the big, American game publishers is with gun manufacturers. I'm sure, however, this has nothing to do with the recent raise to prominence of the shooter and how almost every game to come from an American developer has to be a shooter.

Char was hurling asteroids from space at and piloting giant robots before it was cool.

I almost regret selling my 360.

I just hope the controls are more fluid than other hack/slash MMORPGs I've played in the past. Trying to stick to the WoW style "new ability ever few levels" combined with the ability bar makes for my fingers getting tied into knots when trying to move, block and fight all at the same time.

If the Abramsverese is going to become the new, dominant vision of Star trek I think it's only fitting we change the intro to reflect our more cynical, modern views.

Remember kiddies!

Right here!

Namco Bandai seems to be taking them seriously. I hope that means we'll seem more Tales games.

I'm imagining with all of my might.