
No, i get all that. I just don't know why Japanese games aren't ever allowed to have tropes and cliches while western games can literally be the crap year after year and be a multi-billion dollar industry.

As much as i love the final Fantasy genre it seemed to keep trying to out do the crazy of it's last games over and over. there comes a point, however, where it becomes detrimental. I mean when you're main antagonist is a set of robot gods, built by humans who were made by god who may or may not of been made by humans

I think they were already in as supporting characters, but i don't think you get to play as them.

I didn't forget her, she was the single character that gets the physics up grade. the rest of the cast is either flat chested or dudes.

and no one gets sick of all these hard ass, 30-something, white male, soldier types from western RPGs...... why? It's not a default that should be returned to after a period of experimentation.

No, because Ri-.... no wait..... Este-..... Ok, let me think for a second......

While the 360 version was fun I feel some how robbed that I've been denied the boob physics from the Ps3 version.

the english voice over in Grace f is actually really good. Asbel's serious voice is remarkably sincere. I think the only issues i have with it are a few of the battle-cries during fights seem to not fit the characters and a few minor characters don't have the same level of quality.

You know Japanese gamers don't go on bioware boards and bitch and moan that the game needs more pastel colors, sword fighting and younger protagonists. Not everything needs to be geared to tell to the mainstream American audience, I'm just saying.

If it were any franchise other than Halo I'd call BS, but I expect they'll deliver.

It's not about the entertainment value, it's about the diminishing respect and rights we consumers have. It's about 4 hour single player games that ship with 3 multiplayer maps and have a whole year of multiplayer DLC all planned out. It's about buy a game but only being allowed to play half of it unless you buy the

Isn't there some online market where people can buy and sell goods for real money among each other with Blizzard taking a cut? I'm sure that has something to do with both the online always and strict no moding policy. It's a means to control and to profit from said control.

Between the raise of DRM, online passes and the decline of on disc content along side the raise of DLC I'm going to have to say you're right that there's no slippery slope to worry about. No it's a firm and steady downward plummet.

LAN doesn't sell subs. I can't help but think that XBL has also had a hand in bringing the downfall of local area co-op, split screen and single player with it's insensate focus on competitive multiplayer and DLC.

Well that's capitalism at work. by then you should of bought Diablo 4 to support the economy you commie bastard. If you're not just blindly consuming then you're doing something wrong.

Oh but people will still buy it because it's just one thing that doesn't ruin the whole game. Just like how last year had it's games with that "just one thing" that was very anti-consumer that didn't rin the whole game that is now fairly standard on games. And that other "just one thing" that we've become too use to

A game that recently worked with EA that's going bankrupt? I'm shocked! (no i'm not)

No FEAR multiplayer was actually very good. It just wasn't very populated and lacked the perks and other nonsense that many games soon afterwards started adapting.

F.E.A.R. did it that it slowed down everyone else except for you. It was only usable in a special mode where only one guy could use it at a time. He would gain extra speed while everyone else would slow down. It was a stupid mode and no one played it.

So you could slowmo some one in front of you then some guy waaaay over there who's not bullet timing could snipe his head clear off with no problem then they could continue to chain the bullet times to exploit the hell out of it.