
Today:”Not sure, it looks kinda bad.”

I don’t disagree that class is an issue. I don’t disagree that there are no perfect victims. I don’t even disagree that she has lived a hard and sad life.

I understand if none of the writers here want to state bluntly whether they believe Reade or not, but at some point the critique on how Reade’s life has been picked apart should be put up in contrast with other content in Jezebel or even G/O at large. 

I swear this dead horse will come back to life if I just beat it a couple more times. 

Huh, I’m not sure what to make of this. I really don’t know much about Reade’s background, but I was never under the impression she was poor/working class. My impression is that she seems to have come from a relatively middle to upper-middle class background, but abuse, money troubles, and grift can happen to anyone

I’m white. While I don’t consider myself a racist I can remember an occasion where it was pointed out to me that I’d said something racist. My reaction was along the lines of “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it that way but I understand and I promise to do better in the future.”

Gone with the Wind is one of difficult films for me as while I get a lot of criticism and issues concerning it, I also absolutely love it on many levels and there’s something about Scarlett O’Hara that really fascinates me.

Really? Now I need a throwaway gag where she hands him a phone.

Is it me or is Rowling using basically the same illogical argument the anti-gay marriage crew uses: essentially, that giving legitimacy to others somehow lessens your own? All those assholes in the CA Prop. 8 battle kept moaning that their marriages wouldn’t mean anything anymore if gay people could get married too.

During the W years, I had a girlfriend who was one of those “If he wins, I’m moving to Canada” types. What changed her mind was when I said “I’m not leaving. This is my country too, and I want it to be better. So it’s my responsibility as a citizen to stay, fight, and stop those people who stand in the way of progress.

I know everyone has different limits to what they find acceptable, but the tweets in that thread vary WILDLY. There are some that make him seem super creepy, and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not wanting to work with him. Some are making light of racism, which obviously sucks, and I could definitely see making people

The analogy I always use with these “America, love it or leave it” dum-dums is parenting a misbehaving child. If my kid does something wrong and I scold him or punish him for it, does that mean I don’t love him? Or, does it mean that correcting his bad behavior is my way of helping him to be a better person? I can

As much as I dislike some of the decisions in that movie, it's so bonkers that the Walt Disney company should produce another.

This hunky exemplar of masculine prowess?

The inevitable consequence of allowing ‘both sides’ when one side is fucking racist.

I can’t believe they allowed Ross to write a column complaining about how a fat girl came onto him.

Cotton has the right to his opinions... I suppose. He does not have the right to have them published in the New York Times. So Cotton, Bennett and assorted apologists should kindly fuck off.

They lost me completely when they hired that fundamentalist apologist Ross Douthat. Thomas Friedman was bad enough.

James Bennet is making a show of self martyrdom. The “first amendment” ghouls are already lauding him. But he was grossly incompetent. Will anyone of us still be allowed keep our jobs if we put out a white paper at our jobs without reading it? During the biggest crisis of the time no less. Good riddance to lazy,

Covenant was a cool mess but I give it a pass for the lethal homoerotic bond between Michael Fassbender and himself.