Rare Endangered Vuvuzela

It was zone defense, in that Harden was completely zoned out.

Read what you wrote. You guessed that this radio host dude is a "giant pussy". As explanation for what makes someone a "giant pussy", you suggest that he would be afraid to fight someone who challenged him to a fight. Then, on down the line in your response, you said he would never "have the balls" to fight someone

And not punching someone in the mouth for insulting you makes you:

Look, if CNN is going to be addressing Superfans, the least they could do is find one that will blow them into the vacuum of space.

Still boiling this whole thing down to who can kick who's ass, huh.


This is spectacular. +1

I agree, it should be three months. My mistake.

It's only bad in the sense that you're missing spectacular basketball and the best playoffs in sports because of your imagination.

You make a persuasive case, Tom. But? No tattoos. HE'S A GODDAMN WINNER. /case closed

Well, Mr. Smart Robot Overlord, lets see you stand up to my incredible . . . ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE! [fires empty orange water pistol]

That's great.

I did remember Stroganoff as this overwhelmingly mushroomy goop (with ground beef) befouling an otherwise delicious bowl of egg noddles from when I was a kid. But man oh man is it a different thing to eat it as a grownup. I like to add nutmeg to essentially this very preparation, and throw some parsley on at the end

You are the absolute worst.

Hey, if you like underdog stories, it's fair to say we were all Incredibly Creepy Lakers Fan last night. Living and dying with each possession, leaping to our feet with every Xavier Henry bucket, staring eerily with a menacing smile at passersby, bathing in the blood of the virgin, wondering why Kobe seemed so unhappy

I hope you drown in gutter oil.

Seriously, Tom, I don't know why we don't make this whole "bear" thing a regular, weekly feature. Kick the idea around a little!

I took one or two monster hits when I was younger, and believe me, I know what Mr. Favre is talking about: forgetting where one left the keys, blacking out for long periods, laughing inappropriately at random things, eating several family sized bags of tortilla chips, pooping in one's hands and wiping it all over the

That's great. +1

My clever trap has caused you to reveal yourself as a worthless philistine with the palette of 2x4. PB&J < PB & Honey, go screw yourself.